Incredible legacy for the London Olympics. Pick your order.
Beautiful parkland. Great sporting facilities - shame West Ham benefitted so much but the stadium is in regular use - my kids have both competed regularly at the Aquatic Centre, I use the velo park 2 or 3 times a week. Lots of events I'm not interested in at the Copperbox. Hockey and tennis events going on.
10s of thousands of new homes in the East Village - a whole new big town has been created there - and I'm not a fan of the big malls myself but judging how the Westfield Stratford is permanently packed out the consumerists amongst us are well catered for.
More culturally inclined will appreciate the recent opening of the new V&A, also London School of Fashion, Saddlers Wells East, and new buildings for UCL.
It really is amazing and what has happened there. Obviously I appreciate it as I live pretty close. But the main thing, even if you hate all the above, is what a derelict and contaminated wasteland was on much of this site before.