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Israel v Hamas

Why would terrorism be supported against a nation who wants to defend itself?
What happens in Palestine will happen to the world i.m afraid. I dont like islam but that is a distraction to what is going on. Palestinian nationalism should be advocated as with Syria and the failed attempt turn it to israel vs islam of a hamas or other style in Syria.
Having been in Israel less than six months ago for the first time in 30 years I was struck by how many there were not religious. Just as we are notionally a Christian nation they are moving the same way. Not nearly so far as us yet, but don’t be fooled by the antics of the religious hardliners there. They might be powerful but they aren’t the majority.

I have no experience of Gaza, but did travel in the West Bank whilst there and saw many friendly interactions between the Jewish people and the local Palestinians. For sure the Hamas leadership are fundamentalists but most ordinary citizens aren’t. They just want what people everywhere want for themselves and their families.

So I remain convinced that if both governments were replaced peace could be found. Doing that, with the influence of Iran on one side and the USA on the other, is much harder to achieve than theorise.
The Pro Palestinian movement is a fake movement promoting marxism and a fights in the UK. The islamic narrative is a distraction of abrahamism vs abrahamism. The real issue needs to be addressing palestinian nationalism vs a psychopath nation in the middle east, which has indirect power in the west and around the world - ultimate danger to nationalism and free people whilst hamas in palestine is a convinient extremist organisation for all to focus on.
The Israel land theft is in full flow.

BBC article
In the Palestinian village of Battir, where ancient terraces are irrigated by a natural spring, life carries on as it has for centuries.
Part of a Unesco World Heritage site, Battir is known for its olive groves and vineyards. But now it is the latest flashpoint over settlements in the occupied West Bank.
Israel has approved a new Jewish settlement here, taking away privately owned land for new settler houses and new outposts have been set up without even Israeli authorisation.

“They are stealing our land to build their dreams on our catastrophe,” says Ghassan Olyan, whose property is among that seized.

All settlements are seen as illegal under international law, although Israel disagrees.
The Israel land theft is in full flow.

BBC article
In the Palestinian village of Battir, where ancient terraces are irrigated by a natural spring, life carries on as it has for centuries.
Part of a Unesco World Heritage site, Battir is known for its olive groves and vineyards. But now it is the latest flashpoint over settlements in the occupied West Bank.
Israel has approved a new Jewish settlement here, taking away privately owned land for new settler houses and new outposts have been set up without even Israeli authorisation.

“They are stealing our land to build their dreams on our catastrophe,” says Ghassan Olyan, whose property is among that seized.

All settlements are seen as illegal under international law, although Israel disagrees.
I don't really comment on political threads, however, you post the real problem in my mind.

The way to have shown that Hamas is bad for the people is to show how (even though it has issues) the West Bank can thrive by not having Hamas in charge. Instead, the Israeli government either promotes or looks the other way when more and more settlements are put up in the West Bank, and settlers harass the Palestinian people who live there.

There's also the topic of water usage from the River Jordan, but that's a topic for another day.
people in the UK and Ireland have no business getting embroiled into a three thousand year old Feud. In a country ten thousand miles away.

the Middle East is a perma-sh1.tstorm.

and it horrifies me when i see Sinn Fein & Loyalists taking sides with flags. As if they didnt have enough bad blood among themselves. Needing to inject a bit of the old Biblical stuff in for good measure.......nuts.
The Israel land theft is in full flow.

BBC article
In the Palestinian village of Battir, where ancient terraces are irrigated by a natural spring, life carries on as it has for centuries.
Part of a Unesco World Heritage site, Battir is known for its olive groves and vineyards. But now it is the latest flashpoint over settlements in the occupied West Bank.
Israel has approved a new Jewish settlement here, taking away privately owned land for new settler houses and new outposts have been set up without even Israeli authorisation.

“They are stealing our land to build their dreams on our catastrophe,” says Ghassan Olyan, whose property is among that seized.

All settlements are seen as illegal under international law, although Israel disagrees.

It's a bit more complicated than this. The village is of religious and historical importance to the Jews going back almost 2,000 years (Hebrew name is Betar). It's a disputed territory and they are angry the Palestinian Authority nominated it for UNESCO World Heritage status to eradicate their history. UNESCO controversially has registered the historic terraces to the "State of Palestine".
I was in Berlin recently, there is a memorial to the non jewish brave women who married German jews and protested against the Nazis their husbands' deportations in 1943 to camps.

Of course, this memorial has now been defaced with anti semitic pro Palestine slogans.

This is what you get from the river to the sea brigade

I was in Berlin recently, there is a memorial to the non jewish brave women who married German jews and protested against the Nazis their husbands' deportations in 1943 to camps.

In a Freudian sense, much of politics can be explained by bedroom politics. One must be very wary of ANY political grouping that proscribe who their women may ( and may not ) have intimate relations with. Such is the starting point of much civil unrest. History has shown us this time and again. From Northern Ireland, to the rape gangs of Rotherham, and onwards to Apartheid South Africa.

The Nazis were at it. As are many of the belligerents today in the Middle East. Make Love, not War.
Six hostages butchered by Islamic Terrorists - the Left of course couldn't care less or more or less celebrate it.
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Unfortunately, we knew what would happen after the Hamas terrorist massacre in October.
Israel would launch disproportionately large and indiscriminate revenge attacks. over 40,000 Palestinians dead already.
It's going to be an even more tortured final push, with more extreme atrocities on both sides, to see Israel takeover Palestinian land and leave the remaining population stateless.
So, the old thread has gone.
To kick things off in an easy-going way, I'll start with the statement: "When Israel behaves the way it does, and then they wonder why nobody likes the Jews".

Thankfully a ceasefire might be close and then aid might get to the deserving Palestinian civilians who had nothing to do with this.

What an awful statement to make! No need for this on our site…shame on you!
Unfortunately, we knew what would happen after the Hamas terrorist massacre in October.
Israel would launch disproportionately large and indiscriminate revenge attacks. over 40,000 Palestinians dead already.
It's going to be an even more tortured final push, with more extreme atrocities on both sides, to see Israel takeover Palestinian land and leave the remaining population stateless.
So did Hamas - why did they do it?
What an awful statement to make! No need for this on our site…shame on you!
He is quoting someone else and making the point that many people do not - as we know by the many protests in the country. Some do so because of various settlement disputes and they are allowed that opinion. However I think they are wrong but people are allowed to have free speech.
He is quoting someone else and making the point that many people do not - as we know by the many protests in the country. Some do so because of various settlement disputes and they are allowed that opinion. However I think they are wrong but people are allowed to have free speech.
The pro Palestine marchers will mostly claim they have no problem with Jews but with the Isaraeli govt yet they chant a mantra that call for the destruction of the state of Israel. Applying logic to these attention seeking marchers does not work
It feels like life is just one big joke when a complete idiot like Lammy has any position of authority. I expect he failed to be a milk monitor at school and has continued to fail up ever since.
He is quoting someone else and making the point that many people do not - as we know by the many protests in the country. Some do so because of various settlement disputes and they are allowed that opinion. However I think they are wrong but people are allowed to have free speech.
Ah…apologies everyone…I thought that was his statement…sorry
Lammy is a moron. He thinks that putting on a posh accent disguises the fact that he is as thick as two short planks.
Is there a better example of why positive discrimination is a disaster?