Dubai Eagle
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I’ve heard it all now, tickets are being sold to tourists for our last game v Liverpool for anything from £1600 to £17,000!!!! I haven’t put too many noughts on that, just heard it on the radio, the footballing world really has gone crazy
I would imagine pretty much any PL or later cup stages game at Anfield is a significant attraction for the tourists, presumably the added hype for our game with them (+ the top dollar pricing) is the possibility of being able to say I was there when Liverpool won the PL title for the 24/25 season & picked up the trophy , etc etc -
From the way things are going their PL title win may be confirmed couple games before our game - if your a genuine fan that may devalue the experience a bit , but I doubt the football tourists will care much -
As another poster commented, would be good if we can go there & win the game anyway