There is very little difference between the reactions to this event from those highlighted - not enough to indicate a spectrum of views on the subject across the right of politics. All the figures cited demonstrate racist bigotry. If they are a cross section of the right of politics then it's all pretty similar in terms of Islamaphobia. Either that or they are all far right, or all centre right. However you want to cut it, it's demonstrative of racist bigotry.
I'll certainly concede that distinctions will be more noticeable on other issues.
Your claim about the terrorism in Europe did peak my interest, so I did a little digging. Not got too far yet, but here is some data from 2010-2021 showing ethno-nationalist attacks as most prevalent.
Here the 2024 report (which includes 2021 to 2023 data) shows the same trend in terms of numbers of attacks but it does note that Jihadist attacks were most lethal with 6 deaths and 12 injured.
You should look into the malign influence of Western democracies throughout Arab regions to really get an appropriate perspective on how they operate. Consider 'blowback' from CIA sponsored groups like Al Qaeda (especially now with the situation in Syria).