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Five stabbed at ASDA beddington.

no problem Wisbech. Please supply us with a mature word to replace 'stabby'. And then put it into a sentence.

"there was a stabby incident at London Bridge"

"there was a ......... incident at London Bridge"
Yes, it's just another example of the Left trying to control language - just like Newspeak in '1984'.
Yes, it's just another example of the Left trying to control language - just like Newspeak in '1984'.
You are quoting an ardent,nay passionate left wing person in Eric Blair, the control of language is a contagion by the ultra right. Joseph Goebbels springs to mind. Eric Blair was portraying a dystopian society that the far right aims for. 😡 😵😱 I suppose that in your imagination the allegorical Animal Farm is a guide to farming. D'oh slap head.
You are quoting an ardent,nay passionate left wing person in Eric Blair, the control of language is a contagion by the ultra right. Joseph Goebbels springs to mind. Eric Blair was portraying a dystopian society that the far right aims for. 😡 😵😱 I suppose that in your imagination the allegorical Animal Farm is a guide to farming. D'oh slap head.

He was portraying a dystopian society that the far left had already achieved.
You are quoting an ardent,nay passionate left wing person in Eric Blair, the control of language is a contagion by the ultra right. Joseph Goebbels springs to mind. Eric Blair was portraying a dystopian society that the far right aims for. 😡 😵😱 I suppose that in your imagination the allegorical Animal Farm is a guide to farming. D'oh slap head.
You might want to read Homage to Catalonia. Blair started life as a communist but his direct experience of fighting in Spain for the Communist arm of the Republican army shaped his politics. He fought in battles that the communists lost yet they told everyone they had won. He didn't fight in battles that the socialists won yet the communists claimed victory for. He didn't fight in battles against the Fascists because Moscow directed the Spanish communists not to so that the other left wing parties would get beaten.

He was still a lefty but he hated Russia's control of the communist parties across Europe.
He was portraying a dystopian society that the far left had already achieved.
i reckon George Orwell was against Far Left and Far Right totalitarianism. He certainly did predict many of the nasty things about our current World. Cameras watching you everywhere. Blanket propaganda all the time. The deliberate controlling of the way we think. The revision of all the stories of our History-books in order to champion a certain narrative.

getting back to the OP........any info on the bloke arrested ?
You might want to read Homage to Catalonia. Blair started life as a communist but his direct experience of fighting in Spain for the Communist arm of the Republican army shaped his politics. He fought in battles that the communists lost yet they told everyone they had won. He didn't fight in battles that the socialists won yet the communists claimed victory for. He didn't fight in battles against the Fascists because Moscow directed the Spanish communists not to so that the other left wing parties would get beaten.

He was still a lefty but he hated Russia's control of the communist parties across Europe.
Forgot to add Big Brother is based on Stalin even the look.
i reckon George Orwell was against Far Left and Far Right totalitarianism. He certainly did predict many of the nasty things about our current World. Cameras watching you everywhere. Blanket propaganda all the time. The deliberate controlling of the way we think. The revision of all the stories of our History-books in order to champion a certain narrative.

getting back to the OP........any info on the bloke arrested ?
Not much further info so far and until that time I will refrain from Knee jerk speculation.
You are quoting an ardent,nay passionate left wing person in Eric Blair, the control of language is a contagion by the ultra right. Joseph Goebbels springs to mind. Eric Blair was portraying a dystopian society that the far right aims for. 😡 😵😱 I suppose that in your imagination the allegorical Animal Farm is a guide to farming. D'oh slap head.
Of course Orwell was left wing in a general sense – probably more of a sort of anarchist in many ways. He was also highly critical of many characteristics of the members of the left of his day.

One sometimes gets the impression that the mere words socialism and communism draw towards them with magnetic force every fruit-juice drinker, nudist, sandal-wearer, sex-maniac, Quaker, Nature-cure quack, pacifist and feminist in England . . . . We have reached a stage when the very word socialism calls up, on the one hand, a picture of airplanes, tractors and huge glittering factories of glass and concrete; on the other, a picture of vegetarians with wilting beards, of Bolshevik commissars (half gangster, half gramophone), or earnest ladies in sandals, shock-headed Marxists chewing polysyllables, escaped Quakers, birth control fanatics, and Labour Party backstairs-crawlers . . . . If only the sandals and pistachio-coloured shirts could be put in a pile and burnt, and every vegetarian, teetotaller and creeping Jesus sent home to Welwyn Garden City to do his yoga exercises quietly.

‘Animal Farm’ was of course a brilliant attack on Stalin’s Communist Russia. ‘1984’ was anti-totalitarian, and as it was written after Fascism had been defeated, it is pretty clear who he was looking at. A key aspect of Newspeak was to remove words from the vocabulary so that you could not articulate or think ‘subversively’ - which is exactly what the current Left tries to do with language.

The Left has changed a great deal since Orwell’s time and I’m pretty sure he would be appalled by what it has become.
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The Left has changed a great deal since Orwell’s time and I’m pretty sure he would be appalled by what it has become.
1984 was sexually repressive and prudish. A far cry from our Pride Parades and tv programmes of people dating in the nip.

now, getting back to the OP.......
1984 was sexually repressive and prudish. A far cry from our Pride Parades and tv programmes of people dating in the nip.

now, getting back to the OP.......
Was it? Not sure about that. However, regarding Pride, Orwell was very critical of homosexuality.
I can't blame Blair for the books illustrations,he wrote them that is all,editorial control belonged to someone else.More d'oh!
Are you sure you have not been reading Tony Blair instead?
Thought people were meant to get wiser with age? You seem to be proving the polar opposite.

My point was never about the actual identity,
it’s people rushing to conclusions (and some almost desperate to find out the identity) just so they can make a political point before any facts are known.
It's not a conclusion. It is a strong statistical probability, which was proven to be reliable once again.

Please try to understand. It's not that difficult.
they seem to be taking a long time to release the identity of the person arrested ? i always imagine the internet being wiped clean prior to telling us a name.

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