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Five stabbed at ASDA beddington.

I think we must respect people are different all over the world. Some countries have been ‘successful’ and thrived economically, producing great inventors, architecture, wealth and general harmony. World wars and damage to the environment excluded. The key to success however is a real non selfish community spirit, respecting order and being kind and honest. The irony is that many of the bad eggs in our country champion these virtues but don’t actually practice them. My biggest bug bear is hearing people demanding ‘respect’ when they show you and the wider community none. Most people however from all countries are lovely.

The culture of gang violence and lone wolf knife carrying has to be tackled with proactive stop and search and mandatory sentencing for possession. The Left have to respect this and not belly ache the whole time about ‘rights’ and victimisation. They don’t seem to have solutions… just finger-pointing and so the problem gets worse. I hate to think how many black and white kids end up on mortuary slabs in the UK and the US thanks to Left wing dithering and preoccupation with race issues and paralysis on gang violence.

Old England is but a dream particularly in our major cities which feel more dangerous than ever. Shall we all run away from the problem and move to Dorset, Devon or Cornwall, drink cider, paint our a*ses blue and dance around a merry maypole? What is it like Wisbech Eagle?
Never seen anyone with blue a*ses dancing round a maypole in Cornwall. The odd Morris dancer and lots of shanty singers.

By the way I fully support the need for stop and search being a routine part of policing. I see no logical objection to it and would happily cooperate. We all get searched before we board an aircraft so what’s the difference? If there is a perception of threat then to keep the peace the police need to be allowed to use all available tools to do their job.
What “denial”?

When there is no evidence to back up an assertion other than a spun newspaper story it is for whoever is making the assertion to produce the evidence.

The assertion being that the CPS stopped the police releasing information.

That the police were frustrated at not being able to release details that might have poured cold water on the internet rumour mill doesn’t mean the CPS had any involvement, nor does it mean the police wanted to release anything. It merely means they were frustrated at the outcome. When two desired outcomes conflict that’s what happens.

Newspapers then spinning a story to suit their agenda is also very usual.

There is nothing to see here other than a tabloid doing what tabloids do.
It's actually the responsibility of those denying the story to produce evidence to the contrary.
Completely untrue.

It’s always the responsibility of those making assertions to support them with evidence or they will, quite rightly, be dismissed as just speculation.

Which in this case is all it was.
I provided evidence. If preconception is enough to dismiss it then it seems pointless.
Not in the way it is defined in the OED! Only in the way it is used here.

I will remember this the next time it is used and question which context is intended.
Just because you've imagined a meaning doesn't make it valid. Let's go with the dictionary definition instead.
I provided evidence. If preconception is enough to dismiss it then it seems pointless.
No you didn’t.

You provided evidence the Chief Officer was frustrated.

Not that the CPS were either involved or were the cause of the frustration.

We all get frustrated when some of the things we must do get in the way of things we would like to do.

I would like to play bowls this afternoon, but have already committed my time to something else. I am frustrated.
Just because you've imagined a meaning doesn't make it valid. Let's go with the dictionary definition instead.
It’s hardly in my imagination is it?

When used in the context of knife crime posters aren’t complaining about pains in their side that come and go.

But I will check to verify that, to ensure your pedantic nature is fully satisfied.
The free speech absolutists really don’t want him exercising his right to free speech on this site, do they?
Looks like your earlier posturing turned out to be predictably embarrassing once again.

You keep pretending if it makes you feel better. It certainly won't make us safer.
What’s bizarre is you think that the police trying to ensure that their case isn’t compromised is bizarre.

Do you want a lawyer to be able to be able to get his client off because he cannot be given a fair trial?

Just because you want to know doesn’t mean you should. Indeed what benefit to anyone would it be?

Wisbech, don’t try and lecture me on something you know very little about. I am a recently retired detective of 35 years and releasing the name of an arrested person under investigation will NOT compromise the case against them, nor does it automatically deny a fair trial. We did it many times during my service. There are a number of exceptions to the College of Policing guidelines with regards to naming suspects before charge and simply naming a suspect does NOT compromise the case.

You make out you are such an expert on so many subjects, ramming your ill founded views and misguided opinions down other peoples throats, trying to lecture them on matters they are FAR more qualified in.

I am aware of the suspects details so it is not for my benefit, another one of your assumptions that is so wide of the mark.
Looks like your earlier posturing turned out to be predictably embarrassing once again.

You keep pretending if it makes you feel better. It certainly won't make us safer.

Thought people were meant to get wiser with age? You seem to be proving the polar opposite.

My point was never about the actual identity, it’s people rushing to conclusions (and some almost desperate to find out the identity) just so they can make a political point before any facts are known.
Thought people were meant to get wiser with age? You seem to be proving the polar opposite.

My point was never about the actual identity, it’s people rushing to conclusions (and some almost desperate to find out the identity) just so they can make a political point before any facts are known.
as i mentioned above.....call it 'pattern matching'. The use of probability statistics and evidence.

Recently a Leftie friend informed me of a neighbour going nuts and killing his own wife and young kids. I replied "oh dear, was he a ( insert religion name here) ?". My leftie friend went nuts and she accused me of being a racist. The next day, the truth did out. My , so called prejudice, was bang on the money. Fellas going nuts and killing their own wife & kids does have certain risk-factors.

Risk factors. Its a bit like being irish and supporting the IRA. You do not tar all the irish with that brush - 99.999999% of us have never done Republican terrorism. But you do know that when a Belfast army barracks got bombed it was highly unlikely to be a Sikh pointing the RPG. Pattern matching Dan. Not the same as prejudice.

A bloke crashes a car into a Christmas Market, in Germany, and you seem to accuse us of racism for speculating on the identity of the bloke.
It’s hardly in my imagination is it?

When used in the context of knife crime posters aren’t complaining about pains in their side that come and go.

But I will check to verify that, to ensure your pedantic nature is fully satisfied.
Being called pedantic by someone in the process of arguing with a dictionary definition isn't much to worry about.

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