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Violent Crime Epidemic...in Ireland ?

a stabby Islamist child has been charged. Not the first, and defo not the last. How much publicity did the stabbing at the Kent Barracks get recently ?

was the story filed away into the Media 'memory hole' ?

It's no exaggeration to say there are violent crimes by immigrants every day in Ireland now. It's apparently something we have to accept to be cool.
this video clip has gone viral. The Dublin Riots started from violence of a man against some small kids. Needless to say, the footage has ruffled a few feathers.

A bus driver walloping a young child and sending the kid flying.

both attackers may be described as relatively 'new to the parish'
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Import the Third World become the Third World!

Exactly the same has happened to Sweden and is happening to every other Country being overrun where immigration is out of control. The influx of swathes of unknown people, with no documentation and of dubious background (and values and beliefs often at odds with the host nation) is a recipe for Global disaster.
The city center is reminding me a bit too much of Croydon these days.
Funny that, because I've been attacked in Dublin three times but never in Croydon - or London at all. Probably spent almost equal time between the two places.
Lucky the other guys (and girls - attacked by a whole gang of youths in O'Connell St) came off far worse than I did. Although my mate didn't do too well against a handbag with a brick in! True scum. Never attacked by one person - always at least two.
Funny that, because I've been attacked in Dublin three times but never in Croydon - or London at all. Probably spent almost equal time between the two places.
Lucky the other guys (and girls - attacked by a whole gang of youths in O'Connell St) came off far worse than I did. Although my mate didn't do too well against a handbag with a brick in! True scum. Never attacked by one person - always at least two.
I walked from the corner of Wellesley Road/George Street in Croydon very recently up to East Croydon station and it felt extremely dodgy. One gang of youths standing about and then another gang came walking down past them. They looked p1ssed off and angry with some or everyone walking up to the station, or was it with the gang standing there. I know a youth who was mugged there not long ago.

I did a brief bit of Christmas shopping at M&S in Croydon a week before Christmas. An awful experience on the high street as everyone knows. Don’t get your phone out and just get out of there asap. Some of the sh1t we have living amongst us is depressing and it would be even worse if I was top of their target list, the bullying cowards.

Is that you in the profile picture with Boris Johnson? How come he looks so huge and, if it’s you, you look nearly 2 foot shorter?
I walked from the corner of Wellesley Road/George Street in Croydon very recently up to East Croydon station and it felt extremely dodgy. One gang of youths standing about and then another gang came walking down past them. They looked p1ssed off and angry with some or everyone walking up to the station, or was it with the gang standing there. I know a youth who was mugged there not long ago.

I did a brief bit of Christmas shopping at M&S in Croydon a week before Christmas. An awful experience on the high street as everyone knows. Don’t get your phone out and just get out of there asap. Some of the sh1t we have living amongst us is depressing and it would be even worse if I was top of their target list, the bullying cowards.

Is that you in the profile picture with Boris Johnson? How come he looks so huge and, if it’s you, you look nearly 2 foot shorter?
That profile picture was the poster at the back entrance of the Whitgift. I stood there and it made it look like Boris was hugging me like a child or something. The front of the bus says Crystal Palace. I got a laugh out of it anyway. I'm nearly 6ft. But I presume Aryan Boris probably is quite tall.
In the aftermath of the stabby rampage in Stoneybatter, Dublin the truth will out. Three innocent bystanders slashed in the neck.

He was a bicycle fast-food delivery guy. He has Previous form for drug-dealer charges. Caught carrying a stanley knife and a scissors.

In the aftermath of the stabby rampage in Stoneybatter, Dublin the truth will out. Three innocent bystanders slashed in the neck.

He was a bicycle fast-food delivery guy. He has Previous form for drug-dealer charges. Caught carrying a stanley knife and a scissors.

And look, congratulations to Stoneybatter for just taking it on the chin. Because it's all fine.

Stoneybatter ..." suspect was on bail for previous incident involving knife "

and the separate stabbing below. Suspect yet to be identified.


....and it has also now emerged that the dead bloke was wanted for Rape Italy.

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They can't even wait to get off the boat to start murdering.

Wonder if the violence against women brigade will be out of its immigrant related.
one dead woman and then 'a mass brawl' on the ferry. And i guess its too early to say whether the 'neck injuries' alluded to below are the typical signature of a religous-sacrificial-slaughter or not. Certainly the priest in Galway had his neck attacked with a big knife. Also the Stoneybatter knife attacks were to the neck.

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one dead woman and then 'a mass brawl' on the ferry. And i guess its too early to say whether the 'neck injuries' alluded to below are the typical signature of a religous-sacrificial-slaughter or not. Certainly the priest in Galway had his neck attacked with a big knife. Also the Stoneybatter knife attacks were to the neck.

The ferry one on first thoughts does sound like a traveller issue.

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