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The bbc, again.

Mrs YT and I used to 'collect' examples of this (i.e. "there's another one!") but there became so many that we eventually stopped in the interests of our own sanity. Climate change is treated by the BBC with the same amount of reverence as it treats Islam. No alternate view is permitted. The other day, a piece about a community recycling something or other that the local council didn't have the capacity to do, began with the words:

"Now we all know that we need to recycle as much as we can if we are going to save the planet....so when the residents of a village in blah, blah, blah..."
Seeing as it was a 'interesting' topic, let's kick this off with the bbc giving misinformation(shock, horror) about climate change . . . MSN

'climate change' is clearly being set up as the next pretext for draconian laws, lock-downs, denial of civil liberties and the move toward an Orwellian State.

i do recall being told, many decades ago, of a hellish World by 2010. That would involve sea level rises of many feet, and loads of other rubbish that has failed to materialise.

A bit like the hundreds of millions of Europeans who were expected to die of Covid 19.
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Didn't see anything on their website about Union donations to Labour MP's in the lead up to the election?
Hmmm - I wonder why - especially Sue Grey's Son.
Labour are in cahoots with the Unions JUST LIKE THE BAD OLD DAYS and yet the UK's main Broadcaster doesn't feel the need to inform the people who pay their wages?
Didn't see anything on their website about Union donations to Labour MP's in the lead up to the election?
Hmmm - I wonder why - especially Sue Grey's Son.
Labour are in cahoots with the Unions JUST LIKE THE BAD OLD DAYS and yet the UK's main Broadcaster doesn't feel the need to inform the people who pay their wages?
Sue Gray's son is the new Beckenham MP 😒
I am not sure why I have only just noticed but since Labour have got into power, suddenly the migrant boats are no longer news to them?
When the Tories were in power, it was a daily update but not any longer, even though they are still coming and in greater numbers.
Left wing bias so blatantly obvious - absolute idiots - it is news and should be reported!
I am not sure why I have only just noticed but since Labour have got into power, suddenly the migrant boats are no longer news to them?
When the Tories were in power, it was a daily update but not any longer, even though they are still coming and in greater numbers.
Left wing bias so blatantly obvious - absolute idiots - it is news and should be reported!
Really, with the BBC being run by a Tory appointee?

Only yesterday Starmer made a speech at 10am yet the news at 9am was already reporting the Tory attack line - they would say this is for balance, but the speech hadn't even been made.

Then newsnight has 2 experts to discuss Starmer's speech. A Tory and a Corben supporting Starmer hater, so 2 anti Starmer representatives.

If you think that's left wing bias i suspect you watch too much GB News
'climate change' is clearly being set up as the next pretext for draconian laws, lock-downs, denial of civil liberties and the move toward an Orwellian State.

i do recall being told, many decades ago, of a hellish World by 2010. That would involve sea level rises of many feet, and loads of other rubbish that has failed to materialise.

A bit like the hundreds of millions of Europeans who were expected to die of Covid 19.
With the move away from religion governments needed a new control button .Climate change whatever anyone thinks of it is a useful weapon on that . If you don't do as God says you will go to hell has been replaced with if you don't listen to us on climate change the world is finished . Control through fear is as old as the ages .
With the move away from religion governments needed a new control button .Climate change whatever anyone thinks of it is a useful weapon on that . If you don't do as God says you will go to hell has been replaced with if you don't listen to us on climate change the world is finished . Control through fear is as old as the ages .
is this real or fake victimhood ?
- LGBTQ........................Graham Norton earns millions.
- BLM..........................David Lammy is a cabinet minister

- Feminism...........................we have had many female PM's
- Certain chosen Religions...............surely not 'victims' in any real sense ?
- Single Mothers.............................are they the BBC's favourite heroes ?

Not exactly victims are they ?

and very little mention of real victims in society :

people with wheelchairs, Diabetes, Learning Disabilities, Cancer, suicide, broken down War heroes, Alcoholics & other addictions, Victims of industrial accidents and thousands of other genuine challenges - including the working-poor who bust a gut every week and have little to show for it.
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Plus the fake victimhood of :
- LGBTQ........................Graham Norton earns millions.
- BLM..........................David Lammy is a cabinet minister

- Feminism...........................we have had many female PM's
- Certain chosen Religions............... as if that somehow qualifies them as 'victims'
- Single Mothers.............................the BBC's favourite heroes.

and very little mention of real victims in society :

people with wheelchairs, Diabetes, Learning Disabilities, Cancer, suicide, and thousands of other genuine challenges - including the working-poor who bust a gut every week and have little to show for it.
We have tax dollar to pay for immigrants and lazy c units. Our guts are busted for a reason.
Really, with the BBC being run by a Tory appointee?

Only yesterday Starmer made a speech at 10am yet the news at 9am was already reporting the Tory attack line - they would say this is for balance, but the speech hadn't even been made.

Then newsnight has 2 experts to discuss Starmer's speech. A Tory and a Corben supporting Starmer hater, so 2 anti Starmer representatives.

If you think that's left wing bias i suspect you watch too much GB News
I don't watch GB News - way too biased and you have not answered the question on illegal immigration and the boats - but why would you - because I am factually correct and you have just answered my question with something else completely different.
It is not rocket science to answer the question!
Mental health. The poor loves can’t understand that life isn’t meant to be easy.
You need to be careful here.
There are some serious mental health issues around and i have seen stuff close up and it is absolutely horrible and scary.
The other side of the coin to which you probably refer is people using it as a crutch when they are having a bad day, don't like their job, someone said boo to them and so on.
Those people take away from those who have serious issues and who desperately need help.
Is that your general take on mental illness, then?
Certainly not if it’s genuine but even you must see that it’s a get out from just having a s*** time for many people. As the poster after you stated. I have personally had s*** times but just rocked on through, yes felt a bit sorry for myself but understood that life throws curved balls.
Dusted off and carried on. That is why my response was or seemed brutal.