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So, how many on here would agree?

Mr Relf addresses transgender Democrat, Sarah McBride, as 'Mr'.

Firstly, who on here supports Mr Relf and , if it was you, would you address them in the same way in public?
i no longer feel free to write my true feelings. For fear of joining Enoch Burke in jail.

I beg your pardon?

So, your proper response to the question posited, Lefty?

If you're going to ask questions then you should also answer those put to you yourself.

My answer? I don't really care....which was why I asked why you would.

If someone wants to refer to someone born a biological man as a man I'm cool with that, and conversely if they want to refer to them them as their 'preferred gender' that's cool with me as well. Hell, if they want to call them bigfoot or a two slice toaster, I'm not sure why I should be bothered.
If you're going to ask questions then you should also answer those put to you yourself.

My answer? I don't really care....which was why I asked why you would.

If someone wants to refer to someone born a biological man as a man I'm cool with that, and conversely if they want to refer to them them as their 'preferred gender' that's cool with me as well. Hell, if they want to call them bigfoot or a two slice toaster, I'm not sure why I should be bothered.
Well, I find it distasteful but, more than that, I think it's disrespectful.

Perhaps even more than that, it would cost Mr Relf nothing to show respect but he's clearly refusing to do so. Perhaps he feels that it goes against God or something; interfering with nature or somesuch. If that is the case then we might all agree to live like Amish people, eh?
I wouldn't go out of my way to insult anyone - probably just more to do with innate English/Irish politeness more than anything else.
As for overall, I believe some people may be trans but not as many as there seem to be these days. I know that in primary schools gender is a major issue these days, and I can't help but feel it's either fashionable or basically confusing for young people.
I remember in the eighties my Mum's boss was a transvestite (as they were known then) who wore women's clothes and a wig etc. Although we were all working class, average people, none of us minded and just treated him/ her as we did anyone else.
In short, is this all being blown well out of proportion?
Well, I find it distasteful but, more than that, I think it's disrespectful.

Perhaps even more than that, it would cost Mr Relf nothing to show respect but he's clearly refusing to do so. Perhaps he feels that it goes against God or something; interfering with nature or somesuch. If that is the case then we might all agree to live like Amish people, eh?

I'm fine with you finding something distasteful or disrespectful, just as I should think you wouldn't be bothered about what I found distasteful or disrespectful.

People who wish to represent as the opposite gender to their birth don't get 'protections' on speech in my book. The same west that allowed them the freedom to present as whatever is also the same west that gives others the freedom to say what they see.

Mr Relf addresses transgender Democrat, Sarah McBride, as 'Mr'.

Firstly, who on here supports Mr Relf and , if it was you, would you address them in the same way in public?

As usual with modern society, this is someone else being offended and getting on their high horse on someone else’s behalf. He/she didn’t look overly bothered
As usual with modern society, this is someone else being offended and getting on their high horse on someone else’s behalf. He/she didn’t look overly bothered
Who knows why? maybe they might have said something in private, or maybe because they aren't bothered, or maybe they've heard it so many times, they have to inure themselves to it.

A question: if someone, in your company, publicly called a black person the 'N' word, would you publicly protest at such behaviour or would you think that to do so would be mounting a 'high horse'.?

Oh, by the way, I love your posts on Palace talk. I always look out for them.
Well, I find it distasteful but, more than that, I think it's disrespectful.

Perhaps even more than that, it would cost Mr Relf nothing to show respect but he's clearly refusing to do so. Perhaps he feels that it goes against God or something; interfering with nature or somesuch. If that is the case then we might all agree to live like Amish people, eh?
The transgender issue is simple for me. If you want to believe that you are a woman then great, but don't expect anyone else to believe it.
Furthermore, transgenders should not be able to use women's facilities or play women's sports. That is an infringement of women's rights.
The law might say a transgender is a woman, but that cannot remove the inalienable right of free thinking.
The whole issue is blown out of proportion by activists making the lives of the average transgender more difficult that it already is.
The transgender issue is simple for me. If you want to believe that you are a woman then great, but don't expect anyone else to believe it.
Furthermore, transgenders should not be able to use women's facilities or play women's sports. That is an infringement of women's rights.
The law might say a transgender is a woman, but that cannot remove the inalienable right of free thinking.
The whole issue is blown out of proportion by activists making the lives of the average transgender more difficult that it already is.
Which activists? Those who are publicly against it or those who are publicly for it?

I think Mr Relf was grandstanding.

Mr Relf addresses transgender Democrat, Sarah McBride, as 'Mr'.

Firstly, who on here supports Mr Relf and , if it was you, would you address them in the same way in public?

A Women is a Female with XX chromosomes and Man is a Male with XY chromosomes. It's simple science. I think most people learn that in year 7.

Follow the science and you can't go wrong 😉
The issue isn't what we call people. the issue is that it matters what we call people. Who cares what we call someone so long as we treat everyone with the same level of respect.

However, My respect for someone can be reduced if they, for example, claim unwarranted government benefits in the Same way that it'd reduce if they identified as an Iguana. And No, I'm not saying that all Therian(had to google that!) people are benefit cheats!

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