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Notting Hill Carnival

Anyone found looking at a crime will be arrested, have their names and addresses published, along with photographs, before being fast-tracked through the courts and given long custodial sentences.

Ah no, this is 'different'
Took me 10 seconds to find it:-

Don't spoil the echo-chamber carnival, my friend. Things were going just dandy til you stuck your oar in.

You just don't get it, do you?

We need to complain when people who are looking to attack anyone who looks Muslim and attack them with fire and violence are singled out for unfair attention.

They are no worse than the opportunistic criminals looking to rob with impunity so thank god the good folk on here are highlighting the intrinsic bias of the press, the politicians and the police. What a disgraceful trio.

It's not as if the Southport incident and it's follow-ups have any political motives, is it? The government are acting as if this new 'bogeyman', the 'far right' are out to cause a race war at any cost, and using peoples' real fears over immigration to further their own ends.

This whole affair reeks of a witch hunt.

A disgrace.
Don't spoil the echo-chamber carnival, my friend. Things were going just dandy til you stuck your oar in.

You just don't get it, do you?

We need to complain when people who are looking to attack anyone who looks Muslim and attack them with fire and violence are singled out for unfair attention.

They are no worse than the opportunistic criminals looking to rob with impunity so thank god the good folk on here are highlighting the intrinsic bias of the press, the politicians and the police. What a disgraceful trio.

It's not as if the Southport incident and it's follow-ups have any political motives, is it? The government are acting as if this new 'bogeyman', the 'far right' are out to cause a race war at any cost, and using peoples' real fears over immigration to further their own ends.

This whole affair reeks of a witch hunt.

A disgrace.
It's almost like some people are more interested in whining about the elusive 'far right' than the ever increasing list of people killed by immigrants and their offspring.

If murders by the 'far right' were put in a league table, they would be getting relegated.
It's almost like some people are more interested in whining about the elusive 'far right' than the ever increasing list of people killed by immigrants and their offspring.

If murders by the 'far right' were put in a league table, they would be getting relegated.
Ah interesting.

So these murders by 'immigrants and their families' are on the rise.

So, how are you measuring this, Rholf?
Where did you start, what figure? And how much has that increased by? Over what period? When you say immigrants and their families, do you mean all immigrants and all of their families? All nationalities?

It must have taken you years to undertake such an enormous study.

Have you published the results of your survey?

If so, where can I find them?
It's almost like some people are more interested in whining about the elusive 'far right' than the ever increasing list of people killed by immigrants and their offspring.

If murders by the 'far right' were put in a league table, they would be getting relegated.
I wonder hw many points they would've got for Labour MP Jo Cox? Or doesn't that count?
Ah interesting.

So these murders by 'immigrants and their families' are on the rise.

So, how are you measuring this, Rholf?
Where did you start, what figure? And how much has that increased by? Over what period? When you say immigrants and their families, do you mean all immigrants and all of their families? All nationalities?

It must have taken you years to undertake such an enormous study.

Have you published the results of your survey?

If so, where can I find them?
Do you know how many times I have read this kind of deflection?

Do you look at the news?
I wonder hw many points they would've got for Labour MP Jo Cox? Or doesn't that count?
Shall we go with one point for a murder?

But do come back with other examples.

I fear I don't have enough time on my hand to list all the examples of other extremist murders or those committed by people with 'mental health problems'. And I do have a lot of time.
Do you know how many times I have read this kind of deflection?

Do you look at the news?
Haha.! 'Deflection' Haha. Have you been accused in the past of being just a tad 'lax' with your presentations of 'the facts'?

Why bother with any realistic analysis when we can accuse all such matters as 'Deflection'.

Haha. Do you you know how many times I've seen such obfuscation.

You are priceless and give me whole minutes of entertainment, mate.

Can I take it you don't have the figures to hand? No, of course not. Why let facts get in the way of bias, eh?
Shall we go with one point for a murder?

But do come back with other examples.

I fear I don't have enough time on my hand to list all the examples of other extremist murders or those committed by people with 'mental health problems'. And I do have a lot of time.
Don't make me laugh. It seems you have nothing but time to push your rantings on here. It's all you ever do. Why don't you calm down, give it a break and do something else with your time?

One point for a murder? Oh dear. I think I'll stop now.
Haha.! 'Deflection' Haha. Have you been accused in the past of being just a tad 'lax' with your presentations of 'the facts'?

Why bother with any realistic analysis when we can accuse all such matters as 'Deflection'.

Haha. Do you you know how many times I've seen such obfuscation.

You are priceless and give me whole minutes of entertainment, mate.

Can I take it you don't have the figures to hand? No, of course not. Why let facts get in the way of bias, eh?
Where are your figures?
Do you know how the old request exact statistics tactic is?

It's the last resort when the reality is so overwhelming that there is nowhere to go other than political wriggling.
Don't make me laugh. It seems you have nothing but time to push your rantings on here. It's all you ever do. Why don't you calm down, give it a break and do something else with your time?

One point for a murder? Oh dear. I think I'll stop now.
It is one more point than for responding to your drivel, for which there is none.

Where are your figures?
Do you know how the old request exact statistics tactic is?

It's the last resort when the reality is so overwhelming that there is nowhere to go other than political wriggling.
My figures?

What are you on?!?! I haven't stated any facts to be backed up. The reason the old 'request exact statistics' is 'so old', no doubt, relates to the countless times you made countless claims based on nothing but bias. Still it comes as a surprise to you that people ask you to substantiate your claims?

You really are the funniest with your wriggly ways.

Probably best that you stay on here swapping 'facts' with your mates. No danger of challenge there, at any rate. All very cosy.
Ah interesting.

So these murders by 'immigrants and their families' are on the rise.

So, how are you measuring this, Rholf?
Where did you start, what figure? And how much has that increased by? Over what period? When you say immigrants and their families, do you mean all immigrants and all of their families? All nationalities?

It must have taken you years to undertake such an enormous study.

Have you published the results of your survey?

If so, where can I find them?
You won’t find the figures as they are not published in race or ethnicity, unless you want to send in for a FOI request which will be rebuked. You can say deflection but surely only with evidence which is not available. Do you have some ?