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If you grate cheese on baked beans you're a ...

While we’re on the subject, If you think Heinz baked beans are the best you are most definitely wrong, they’re one of the most overrated watery tasteless brands you can get.
Morrisons own brand are so much better.

Wholeheartedly agree. 'own brand' beans are far superior to Heinz. Doesn't even matter which own brand - morrissons, Tesco, adsa... so long as their not the 'value' range.

As for my Baked Beans on toast, the addition of Marmite is a gamechanger for me. toast, butter, marmite, ('stewed' beans with plenty of black pepper whilst cooking), then grated cheese. In that order.
means you get some melted, due to the heat of the beans, and some unmelted which is on 'bare' toast.

Variety is the spice of life.
Wholeheartedly agree. 'own brand' beans are far superior to Heinz. Doesn't even matter which own brand - morrissons, Tesco, adsa... so long as their not the 'value' range.

As for my Baked Beans on toast, the addition of Marmite is a gamechanger for me. ,toast, butter, marmite, ('stewed' beans with plenty of black pepper whilst cooking), then grated cheese. In that order.
means you get some melted, due to the heat of the beans, and some unmelted which is on 'bare' toast.

Variety is the spice of life.
hmmm🤔 interesting!! As a lover of marmite I might have to try that.
Wholeheartedly agree. 'own brand' beans are far superior to Heinz. Doesn't even matter which own brand - morrissons, Tesco, adsa... so long as their not the 'value' range.

As for my Baked Beans on toast, the addition of Marmite is a gamechanger for me. toast, butter, marmite, ('stewed' beans with plenty of black pepper whilst cooking), then grated cheese. In that order.
means you get some melted, due to the heat of the beans, and some unmelted which is on 'bare' toast.

Variety is the spice of life.
Jesus Chr*st! We've plumbed new depths. Words fail me, if you own a dog it's probably got better smelling breath than you've got.

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