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If you grate cheese on baked beans you're a ...

I confess I have never tried the culinary delight which is the subject of this thread, but after reading some of your posts I feel a few kitchen experiments coming on.
I confess I have never tried the culinary delight which is the subject of this thread, but after reading some of your posts I feel a few kitchen experiments coming on.
POG you won't regret it. Beans were/are the staple students only meal(on toast) as well as Scout camps(with burgers). Use supermarket own makes or(imo) Branston beans, Heinz are overpriced & I think a tad, 'anaemic'. Enjoy.
No cheese so far - the clue was in my comment, I have not gone as far as so many of you.🙂
you wanna try life in the fast lane, these beans experiments will help you throw caution to the wind, literally. You can start slowly with a packet of Walker's Heinz Beans Cheese crisps - they now do this flavour, and I have to say upon being offered one they have recreated the taste to perfection - I think you'll find them totally disgusting.
I pride myself on being a militant anti-snob. But class sadly does exist, and there are tell tale signs. Petit-bourgeois people pride themselves on their dexterity with chopsticks,

Many years ago I was in a Chinese restaurant and getting on quite well with chopsticks when a young Chinese waitress came up to me and told me that I was holding them wrong. She showed me how to hold them properly but ever since then I have never been able to use chopsticks at all.

If you drink instant coffee I may reluctantly look down on you, the same with certain brands of draft lager,

I look down on everyone that drinks lager as it was only invented for women plus men that don't like the taste of real beer 😀
Many years ago I was in a Chinese restaurant and getting on quite well with chopsticks when a young Chinese waitress came up to me and told me that I was holding them wrong. She showed me how to hold them properly but ever since then I have never been able to use chopsticks at all.

I look down on everyone that drinks lager as it was only invented for women plus men that don't like the taste of real beer 😀
on the upside I bet your table tennis has improved🙂
Many years ago I was in a Chinese restaurant and getting on quite well with chopsticks when a young Chinese waitress came up to me and told me that I was holding them wrong. She showed me how to hold them properly but ever since then I have never been able to use chopsticks at all.

I look down on everyone that drinks lager as it was only invented for women plus men that don't like the taste of real beer 😀
I gave up using chopsticks when it took me over 3 hours to try to finish the soup course 😂
The ONLY way to eat baked beans is WITH GRATED CHEESE!! Beans on their own are disgusting horrible little bastards, but grate some strong English Cheddar into them and a splosh of Worcestershire sauce, they become a culinary delight, eaten at the finest tables.......PS baked beans do not belong on a full English breakfast EVER!!
What he said.

Put some Marmite on the toast , beans on top, grated cheese and a fried egg.

Why do the French only have one egg on their beans? Because one egg is an oeuf. (Ill get my coat)
My wife likes 'cheesy beans', grating a huge chunk of cheddar to melt on them. I love cheese but find it disgusting melting on beans or even more meat! The only thing I want cheese melting on is toast or a jacket potato.

Baked beans just need a real liberal sprinkling of black pepper to spice them up a little.
What he said.

Put some Marmite on the toast , beans on top, grated cheese and a fried egg.

Why do the French only have one egg on their beans? Because one egg is an oeuf. (Ill get my coat)


It sounds interesting.

It also sounds subversive.

The food commissars have stuck you on a list.

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