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Five stabbed at ASDA beddington.

This is why it’s pointless discussing anything with you, you either don’t read what is written properly, or you just choose to put your own interpretation on it anyway and still try and ram home your points.

You can call me ‘far left’ all you want if it makes you feel better, even if it is ultimately meaningless. Not sure you can point to many ‘far left’ groups in history that were pro-capitalist free marketeers.

You seem to think your lockdown point is some big ‘gotcha’ as well. If you take a purely economic outlook on it of course it’s a terrible course of action to take. But it wasn’t purely an economic one was it? If it was there wouldn’t have been any lockdowns. It was a drastic public health matter. You seem to revel in taking the contrarian view to most courses of action as it is much easier to try and score points against action that was taken rather than hypothesise about action that wasn’t and say ‘wouldn’t have happened if they did what I suggested’.

I seem to remember your main arguments at the time were more about civil liberties than economics, like lockdowns were some sort of perverted social experiment the government couldn’t wait to implement, rather than a last resort health measure. Find it quite ironic that you had a hissy fit over being told to wear a little mask in public as it eroded your civil liberties but you think you can dictate to trans people how to live their entire lives?

The bold bit is entirely plausible btw. For example, if you believe that the best people to be Prime Minister of this country, purely on merit, just happen to be largely a succession of Eton school boys, then as your well worn phrase goes, I’ve got some magic beans to sell you.

Do us all a favour and take your issues with Stirling to DM as none of the above has anything to do with the title and subject of this thread.
Right. I was just responding to him so cheers for sticking your oar in and singling me out 👍🏻.
It's not worth discussing anything with someone who can't acknowledge a simple reality.

Waffle on all you like, but the stark reality of modern Britain is clear for all with eyes.
the stark reality of modern Britain is clear for all with eyes.

Yes. True Hrolf......to somebody dropped into the UK from a helicopter......its a scary stark reality.

But even more frightening, and invisible to the helicopter fella ? the speed & direction of all the change. We can only shudder to think of the UK in 2035. The Beddington stabbing being another Canary in the coalmine.
What are you moaning at? People who agree mostly agreeing that you are misguided?....oh the shock.

You lot literally do the same thing.

Not moaning about anything. Just an observation that you and your little cabal of playground bully boys seem to enjoy making this site as hostile as possible for anyone with a dissenting opinion.

Seems to be only Wisbech that has the patience and a skin thick enough for it to post on here regularly now.
Not moaning about anything. Just an observation that you and your little cabal of playground bully boys seem to enjoy making this site as hostile as possible for anyone with a dissenting opinion.

Seems to be only Wisbech that has the patience and a skin thick enough for it to post on here regularly now.
Errrr...Sorry Dan, have you been banned? Your choice of posting removed, regardless of your feelings?

No you haven't, however I was banned from, that bastion of leftism, the bbs within two weeks by a mod who amusingly called me Richard Spencer (who voted Democrat in 2020 and 2024).

If someone pushes back on your opinion the idea that it's 'hostile' is purely subjective. However, being banned for political opinions is an action of a real cabal isn't it. I mean you can waffle along saying whatever you want but when your voice is removed then that's something else entirely.

However you get the opportunity to be wrong on here as often as you like.
Errrr...Sorry Dan, have you been banned? Your choice of posting removed, regardless of your feelings?

No you haven't, however I was banned from, that bastion of leftism, the bbs within two weeks by a mod who amusingly called me Richard Spencer (who voted Democrat in 2020 and 2024).

If someone pushes back on your opinion the idea that it's 'hostile' is purely subjective. However, being banned for political opinions is an action of a real cabal isn't it. I mean you can waffle along saying whatever you want but when your voice is removed then that's something else entirely.

Who said anything about banning? Most posters walk out of their own volition because they can’t be arsed with you lot any longer.
Who said anything about banning? Most posters walk out of their own volition because they can’t be arsed with you lot any longer.
If people don't like political debate over their views then what's the loss? You didn't mention banning sure, however I was giving you a comparison and comparing Hol to a leftist site that would far more readily circle jerk most of your views....but bans others for having different ones.

I know that you claim to like statistics and evidence Dan, so have a look at the views stats for the politics forum, you will find it's roughly 2/3 as popular as Palace talk (the main point of the site) and considerably more popular than general talk......Your implication that right wing politics doesn't have an audience is possibly a reflection of your feelings rather than reality.
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Not moaning about anything. Just an observation that you and your little cabal of playground bully boys seem to enjoy making this site as hostile as possible for anyone with a dissenting opinion.

Seems to be only Wisbech that has the patience and a skin thick enough for it to post on here regularly now.
I'm not sure that is true.

Steeleye bangs the drum for his views, I quite like his posts and sometimes I even agree with him.

WE upsets people mainly because he claims to be a Tory and yet his posts do not reflect that, if he came out as a left of centre voter like Steeleye I expect he would not get as much stick for his views. That and his Trump fixation and he is never wrong are why I ignore his posts now.

Please keep posting, the BBS is just a left wing echo chamber I would not want the HOL to become the equivalent.
Not moaning about anything. Just an observation that you and your little cabal of playground bully boys seem to enjoy making this site as hostile as possible for anyone with a dissenting opinion.

Seems to be only Wisbech that has the patience and a skin thick enough for it to post on here regularly now.
You admire Wisbelch's posts? Says it all really.
Yep, while lots of us are obviously on the other side of the fence to Dan, I do listen to his views and perhaps he takes things a little too more personally than they are intended. Political discourse has always had rough and tumble, it was the same back in the days when the left in JamieMartin, Kermit and what's his name were the most prominent posters.

Steely, has the hide of a rino and you have to respect that.....Yep, while most of the time he seems to want it all to burn, he has come out with some valid observations occasionally.
I'm not sure that is true.

Steeleye bangs the drum for his views, I quite like his posts and sometimes I even agree with him.

WE upsets people mainly because he claims to be a Tory and yet his posts do not reflect that, if he came out as a left of centre voter like Steeleye I expect he would not get as much stick for his views. That and his Trump fixation and he is never wrong are why I ignore his posts now.

Please keep posting, the BBS is just a left wing echo chamber I would not want the HOL to become the equivalent.
As left of centre as the number 11 on a dart board.
Oh look, you’re all ganging up together again. How adorable.
Do stop playing the victim. It's pathetic... And so lefty.
Yep, while lots of us are obviously on the other side of the fence to Dan, I do listen to his views and perhaps he takes things a little too more personally than they are intended. Political discourse has always had rough and tumble, it was the same back in the days when the left in JamieMartin, Kermit and what's his name were the most prominent posters.

Steely, has the hide of a rino and you have to respect that.....Yep, while most of the time he seems to want it all to burn, he has come out with some valid observations occasionally.
Kermit was a kind of Wisbech - apart from being funny at times. Jamie was ok really, he was actually capable of seeing another viewpoint and occasionally willing to accept flaws in his own positions. The other bloke, well ...
I'm not sure that is true.

Steeleye bangs the drum for his views, I quite like his posts and sometimes I even agree with him.

WE upsets people mainly because he claims to be a Tory and yet his posts do not reflect that, if he came out as a left of centre voter like Steeleye I expect he would not get as much stick for his views. That and his Trump fixation and he is never wrong are why I ignore his posts now.

Please keep posting, the BBS is just a left wing echo chamber I would not want the HOL to become the equivalent.
Wisbech posts to primarily provoke, he is no doubt aware that most of what he writes is nonsense. If everyone simply ignored him he would eventually go away.
The thinnest part of the number 11 is touching the outer bull. You definetely Van Gerwenned that up. As left of centre as a DOUBLE eleven works better.
The actual number '11' is to the left of the double-eleven area!

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