taylors lovechild
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Football crowds are often like a creche where men regress to toddlers and we stamp our feet when we don't get our own way, blame everyone else and shout nasty things. The thing is, there are still rules that are so well advertised that if you breach them then you can't cry when you get punished. You might think it's ok to sing a song about someone being a rent boy, but the club and football in general have made it abundantly clear they don't agree and that you will be punished. Other chants like 'I hope he dies' are not clearly defined as banned, so whatever your moral standpoint, fans singing it can argue it's just 'light-hearted banter.' Fans singing that when a man is prone on the ground surrounded by medics is clearly – to any person of sound mind – disgusting, but then I heard Millwally fans were singing a racist song at a 6-year-old girl, so clearly within their base they have some vile elements. Mind you, it's not that surprising given they also famously voted in a BNP candidate in the 90s.