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Textor buying Everton? / Bids to buy Palace outright

Everton Fans - He is not the investor you are looking for - not that it bothers me if you end up with him - good luck!

The multi-club thing is a worry for any of the fans of his clubs. Will Everton or Lyon be top dogs and get the cream of the crop of players? Well Lyon in the Champions League may trump mid table Premier League.

In other thoughts, if he's gone for the 'Exclusivity' already his Palace share sale must be making good progress
Textor is bad for football. His multiclub model only benefits him which is why we don't get involved with it.

It's bad enough with the other Americans who also wanted out not long back.

None of them are committed to the club. Sooner the better they are out
Exclusivity??? Excuse me, but I stepped aside in the rush of folks to buy!
What does it mean?? Jack sh1t in my view.
I heard they had no interest at all. Hardly surprising. So many liabilities surround Everton, not least the unfinished stadium.
So Texter has got a clear run. Well, if he is serious he had best dump his Palace shares pronto to clear his slate.
Apparently Harris and Blitzer made him some kind of offer, which in the circumstances seems generous.
Good luck to them all. Hope it all works out.
My guess is he has used this "period of exclusivity" to take an in depth look at the Everton accounts & on the basis of that financial review wants to revisit his options - in short which club offers better value if he can make it happen -

if he choses to buy out the existing shareholders at Palace (assuming he can) that leaves Everton right up the creek without a paddle having had 3 consortiums examine their deal & walk away.

So he is so interested in Everton he's using them as some kind of leverage to get control of Palace which will mean dumping the Everton bid

I am not sure how any leverage might work? Perhaps he has some extra funding for Everton and thinks why not use that for Palace? Who knows? It doesn't sound like he has a lot of great offers for his 45% if he's trying this kind of manoeuvre?

I guess Blitzer, Harris and Parish will politely refuse. He might think his offer 'far exceeds prior investment' but I suspect all three know they have grown the club value with very little financial risk to themselves and there could be a lot more upside to come from Palace as the single giant club of South London. He doesn't have the wealth to blow their socks off with a Middle Eastern type offer.

Otherwise Lyon feeder club here we come.

But where will this rather desperate throw of the dice leave Textor with the Everton fans?