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So, how many on here would agree?

No trans category, it's a complete nonsense as there are too few and you end up spunking loads on lower level competitors who would very rarely reach these finals in their own sex categories.....most small shows can't afford that crap.

It's just more attention seeking for the mentalists.

The easy solution is to open the mens category for everyone.

That way no one is excluded. But the "trans" don't like it as they won't have the advantage as they do in women's category.
The easy solution is to open the mens category for everyone.

That way no one is excluded. But the "trans" don't like it as they won't have the advantage as they do in women's category.

We'd get the furries then, some ugly mentalist in a mouse suit on a cheese only diet.....being chased around the final bend by Tom dressed in a cat suit.
Who knows why? maybe they might have said something in private, or maybe because they aren't bothered, or maybe they've heard it so many times, they have to inure themselves to it.

A question: if someone, in your company, publicly called a black person the 'N' word, would you publicly protest at such behaviour or would you think that to do so would be mounting a 'high horse'.?

Oh, by the way, I love your posts on Palace talk. I always look out for them.
What about if you are singing the lyrics to many songs with it in. Is that wrong as it’s only a song lyric written by a black person normally!

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