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US Politics

So someone has some fun posing stupid questions to unprepared people. Anyone can do that kind of stuff. Taking the p*ss isn’t clever and proves nothing.

The point about Trump’s MAGA base is that you don’t need to do it. They ask themselves stupid questions and deliver stupid answers all on their own.

The contrast between the average normal Democrat and the average weird Trump MAGA is stark.

Not, you will note between them and the normal average Republican, for they aren’t the same as the MAGA bunch. They just have no other place to go unless they cross the tribal line, which some might yet do. Especially if they are female and concerned about the restrictions being put on their freedoms. Trump has a lower approval rating than the % prepared to vote for him. It’s going to make a difference.

I forecasted Biden would withdraw. It seems to me to be a carefully crafted plan to keep Trump away from ruining the USA.

I think it’s working and beyond something unexpected happening, which is always possible, Harris will win. I also think there is a bombshell secret waiting in the wings, ready to be dropped just a week or two before the peek of postal voting, that will cause even the most diehard Republican to question the wisdom of putting Trump back in the WH. I suspect something Mueller discovered will find its way into the public conscious.

What then happens to Trump is uncertain. He could end up in jail, but as that risks serious unrest maybe a way will be found to avoid it, provided he agrees to withdraw from public life.

All theories of course, but this is what my political antenna is suggesting.
So someone has some fun posing stupid questions to unprepared people. Anyone can do that kind of stuff. Taking the p*ss isn’t clever and proves nothing.

The point about Trump’s MAGA base is that you don’t need to do it. They ask themselves stupid questions and deliver stupid answers all on their own.

The contrast between the average normal Democrat and the average weird Trump MAGA is stark.

Not, you will note between them and the normal average Republican, for they aren’t the same as the MAGA bunch. They just have no other place to go unless they cross the tribal line, which some might yet do. Especially if they are female and concerned about the restrictions being put on their freedoms. Trump has a lower approval rating than the % prepared to vote for him. It’s going to make a difference.

I forecasted Biden would withdraw. It seems to me to be a carefully crafted plan to keep Trump away from ruining the USA.

I think it’s working and beyond something unexpected happening, which is always possible, Harris will win. I also think there is a bombshell secret waiting in the wings, ready to be dropped just a week or two before the peek of postal voting, that will cause even the most diehard Republican to question the wisdom of putting Trump back in the WH. I suspect something Mueller discovered will find its way into the public conscious.

What then happens to Trump is uncertain. He could end up in jail, but as that risks serious unrest maybe a way will be found to avoid it, provided he agrees to withdraw from public life.

All theories of course, but this is what my political antenna is suggesting.
So a conspiracy theory
So a conspiracy theory
Theory certainly but one involving a conspiracy?

There are some straws in the wind which are rattling the antenna.

If you have never watched it take a look at the documentary in the BBC Storyville series called “A Storm Foretold”. This follows Roger Stone as he is convicted of lying to Congress, being pardoned by Trump and then working with the Proud Boys to overturn the 2020 election. It doesn’t make comments. It just follows him and allows the viewer to determine what is going on. Stone already has plans to challenge this year’s, should it go against Trump.

Those who continue to believe that Trump wasn’t assisted by Russia in 2016 will find this uncomfortable viewing.
I remember exactly the same thing happening in reverse with the last election when I received sniggering WhatsApp video messages from my wealthy Left Wing friends as they laughed and sneered at who they considered dumb arse red neck maga Trump supporters.

This is just a case of pay-back.
I remember exactly the same thing happening in reverse with the last election when I received sniggering WhatsApp video messages from my wealthy Left Wing friends as they laughed and sneered at who they considered dumb arse red neck maga Trump supporters.

This is just a case of pay-back.
Left wing and wealthy? They are unusual friends!

Pay back for what exactly? Trying to ensure a corrupt and totally unsuitable, self obsessed half wit wasn’t enabled to become President?
Trump's Presidency was highly successful, far better than Biden's, anyone voting for Kamala Harris is just voting for hope over experience.
Left wing and wealthy? They are unusual friends!

Pay back for what exactly? Trying to ensure a corrupt and totally unsuitable, self obsessed half wit wasn’t enabled to become President?

I’m no Trump fan but I don’t believe there has ever been a more corrupt President than Biden. Taking circa $50m of money for his family from influence peddling when he was vice President is truly sickening. Granted, Harris is not corrupt. Just a bit stupid and according to people who knew her shagged herself to top legal positions in California. Fair play in many respects but President? God help us.

I’m no Trump fan but I don’t believe there has ever been a more corrupt President than Biden. Taking circa $50m of money for his family from influence peddling when he was vice President is truly sickening. Granted, Harris is not corrupt. Just a bit stupid and according to people who knew her shagged herself to top legal positions in California. Fair play in many respects but President? God help us.
Where is the evidence for that assertion?

If it existed it would certainly have been placed in front of a court! The right would never allow such an opportunity to be missed.

So it doesn’t exist. It’s just the constant repetition of a Big Lie that becomes accepted as the truth because everyone else seems to believe it.

Lies don’t suddenly become true without evidence.
Where is the evidence for that assertion?

If it existed it would certainly have been placed in front of a court! The right would never allow such an opportunity to be missed.

So it doesn’t exist. It’s just the constant repetition of a Big Lie that becomes accepted as the truth because everyone else seems to believe it.

Lies don’t suddenly become true without evidence.

There might be some evidence.

There might be some evidence.

Thank you Teddy

Corruption should be called out wherever it occurs. You can’t ignore it because it’s tagged to ‘your guy’

I’m sure a prosecution of Biden is pending but surprise surprise he will play the mental incapacity card to wriggle off the hook. I called this is what would happen a year ago. Just watch.
There might be some evidence.


That’s NOT evidence.

It’s political innuendo and malicious rumour mongering produced by a Republican dominated committee trying to clam equivalence to Trump in order to assist his re-election campaign.

Evidence is what is put in from of a court and accepted by it.

Only if and when that happens will any determinations be made.

That it hasn’t happened ought to be enough.
Thank you Teddy

Corruption should be called out wherever it occurs. You can’t ignore it because it’s tagged to ‘your guy’

I’m sure a prosecution of Biden is pending but surprise surprise he will play the mental incapacity card to wriggle off the hook. I called this is what would happen a year ago. Just watch.
On what basis do you think a prosecution is pending?

If there was any actual admissible evidence, rather than just slurs and slanders, it would have resulted in a case of some kind by now. Not of Biden himself, because he cannot be whilst President, but of others said to be involved. If there was mud to sling that could stick it would be slung.

The committee are playing politics at the behest of Trump so he can position his own behaviour as equivalent in the minds of the gullible.

It’s another Big Lie. No better than “Stop the Steal”.

If Biden IS corrupt then he must be prosecuted. No question about that. I am not holding my breath.

That’s NOT evidence.

It’s political innuendo and malicious rumour mongering produced by a Republican dominated committee trying to clam equivalence to Trump in order to assist his re-election campaign.

Evidence is what is put in from of a court and accepted by it.

Only if and when that happens will any determinations be made.

That it hasn’t happened ought to be enough.
1. Don't jump to conclusions - wait for the report.
2. Don't trust the report unless it supports the conclusion I'd jumped to.
From their website -
United States House Committee on Oversight and Accountability - Our mission statement is to ensure the efficiency, effectiveness, and accountability of the federal government and all its agencies. We provide a check and balance on the role and power of Washington - and a voice to the people it serves.
Having two lifelong Democrats in RFK & Gabbard declare for Trump is very bad optics for the Democrats, admittedly it's not the biggest surprise however giving RFK an oversight role on the CIA is the right move & he is definitely the right person for the job.
Mark Zuckerberg has recently warmed on Trump too.

Harris could well be as unpopular as Hillary Clinton.
These are supporters of a party that call JD Vance and Trump weird.

Oh my god. I couldn’t resist searching his twitter page. Oh my god again. He hasn’t made many posts. It starts with his split tongue and continues with an obsession of gay and what I’d describe as man p***, with one man having a v@gina. I didn’t think X would allow any p***. Maybe if it’s reported. Who knows?

I’d worry if I was the father of his much younger gay partner.
1. Don't jump to conclusions - wait for the report.
2. Don't trust the report unless it supports the conclusion I'd jumped to.
From their website -
United States House Committee on Oversight and Accountability - Our mission statement is to ensure the efficiency, effectiveness, and accountability of the federal government and all its agencies. We provide a check and balance on the role and power of Washington - and a voice to the people it serves.
Noble ambitions need to be administered by noble people. Not by a*se licking mouthpieces for a corrupt former President.

Any report from them is worth waiting for. To see the convolutions that are used to reach weird conclusions and then to read the minority view, where more truth is likely to be found.

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