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Woke is alive and well

‘According to the National Education Union decolonising education involves a full examination of British imperialism and racism. As well as understanding the history of inequalities and challenging historic racism.

These efforts to decolonise education have impacted multiple subjects including Philosophy where SOAS University of London - formerly the School of Oriental and African Studies - has sidelined classical Greek thinkers such as Plato and Aristotle in favour of new-age thinkers such as an Indian-American feminist, a Nigerian 'gender theorist' and a Japanese zen expert.

In 2022, the Quality Assurance Agency, which checks on course standards, incorporated critical race theory into its recommendations for degrees.

It urged courses to teach about colonialism. This included Computing - where courses such address 'how divisions and hierarchies of colonial value are replicated and reinforced within the computing subject.’

As well as Maths which the QAA said should 'present a multicultural and decolonised view of mathematics.'

Divisions and hierarchies of colonial value are replicated and reinforced within the computing subject? These people aren’t well.

Decolonised view of mathematics? Pardon?
Yes, there has been a discourse in some right wing circles that the establishment will, 'put the woke away' due to negative reactions both socially and economically to its promotion within institutions and industries.

However, I've never agreed with this idea in any real sense as if that were serious then laws and rules would actually require changing both legally and within the corporate world and we just aren't seeing that on any major footing. DEI is in the process of gutting institutions already and power positions are already occupied by disastrous non merit based appointments.

Indeed, now this 20 percent Labour government are in power we are going to see their activists emboldened within our institutions and companies to push ever forwards with they pseudo race gay communism.

So as much as many of us would like far from being near the end of this we are only just past the beginning...

Many of us older to remember can recall all these people being called radicals and loonies very frequently in the modern media but now they practically run large parts of it. Just as the Tories lied to its voting base over immigration in pretty much every manifesto post WW2 and in reality they increased said immigration the Tories have done the same with 'woke'. When they could have done something all we had was inaction within our universities to stop this mind rot and since the turn of the century the Tories have done more to promote 'Woke' than ever......Most of what we see was allowed and made law by the Tories saying one thing and doing another.

The centralist conservativism approach of trying to get left wing people to like them......Political cuckoldry.

All we had was talk and dishonesty..which has been mainstream Conservativism since Thatcher (who was a mixed bag herself...no pun intended).
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Since England means Land of the Angles this is a bit of a self defeating idea (for a change).
What should we be called? Perfidious Albion has a pleasant ring to it. Sounds like a Sunday football side but nicely reflects our supposed deceit and treachery.
‘According to the National Education Union decolonising education involves a full examination of British imperialism and racism. As well as understanding the history of inequalities and challenging historic racism.

These efforts to decolonise education have impacted multiple subjects including Philosophy where SOAS University of London - formerly the School of Oriental and African Studies - has sidelined classical Greek thinkers such as Plato and Aristotle in favour of new-age thinkers such as an Indian-American feminist, a Nigerian 'gender theorist' and a Japanese zen expert.

In 2022, the Quality Assurance Agency, which checks on course standards, incorporated critical race theory into its recommendations for degrees.

It urged courses to teach about colonialism. This included Computing - where courses such address 'how divisions and hierarchies of colonial value are replicated and reinforced within the computing subject.’

As well as Maths which the QAA said should 'present a multicultural and decolonised view of mathematics.'

Divisions and hierarchies of colonial value are replicated and reinforced within the computing subject? These people aren’t well.

Decolonised view of mathematics? Pardon?

When the centre/right/common sense finally wrestle power from the satanists and Commies that currently run the country, the real fight will be to rebalance the woke institutions who absolutely hate everything about this country & its native Anglo Saxon population.
When the centre/right/common sense finally wrestle power from the satanists and Commies that currently run the country, the real fight will be to rebalance the woke institutions who absolutely hate everything about this country & its native Anglo Saxon population.
Just as it took the neo commies two generations to do it it would require the same.

You can't convert the ready made, just as the commies had to wait for the silent generation to finally die off...which happened circla 80s/90s any right wing resurgence would require the same long term game.

However, unlike the mainstream right the commies aren't that stupid....it would require government intervention to remove the gay race communism from our institutions and corporations to change that.....and that's extremely unlikely until things get far worse.

The right's deep commitment to free speech and conscience embedded via libertarian ideas just isn't part of the modern day leftism.....old school sure, but left wing libertarianism has been a small minority within the left for over thirty years.

So unlike the right who allowed infiltration of the universities and institutions via a commitment to freedom, the left won't allow that. What will ultimately erode them will be the disillusionment of the youth with the reality of what is given to them as opposed to the propaganda......How long that takes will ultimately depend upon how Soviet the left and even centralists in power become.

We have seen very dirty and dishonest behaviour by the centralist and left power bases in France and Germany to keep the right away from power.....We will see how it goes.
Since England means Land of the Angles this is a bit of a self defeating idea (for a change).
What should we be called? Perfidious Albion has a pleasant ring to it. Sounds like a Sunday football side but nicely reflects our supposed deceit and treachery.

Don't give them ideas!!

President kier Stalin is watching everything!!
Describing people as “commies” or “satanists”, who are very obviously neither, is what brings about these kind of responses.

Trying to ensure balance in anything can result in the pendulum swinging too far. In this case that throws up some ridiculous results.

Seizing on them and suggesting they are typical is to dismiss some very necessary and worthwhile efforts to improve the lives of many people and ensure fairness and inclusion.

If the good things were recognised, accepted and welcomed, rather than always criticised because they involve change, then the criticism of the more ridiculous would gain traction and common ground could be found.

Just because people feel a social responsibility doesn’t mean they are a communist. Just because they are an atheist doesn’t mean they are a satanist. So please stop the stupid language and division it creates. It serves no purpose and makes things worse.
Describing people as “commies” or “satanists”, who are very obviously neither, is what brings about these kind of responses.

Trying to ensure balance in anything can result in the pendulum swinging too far. In this case that throws up some ridiculous results.

Seizing on them and suggesting they are typical is to dismiss some very necessary and worthwhile efforts to improve the lives of many people and ensure fairness and inclusion.

If the good things were recognised, accepted and welcomed, rather than always criticised because they involve change, then the criticism of the more ridiculous would gain traction and common ground could be found.

Just because people feel a social responsibility doesn’t mean they are a communist. Just because they are an atheist doesn’t mean they are a satanist. So please stop the stupid language and division it creates. It serves no purpose and makes things worse.
What's wrong with division? Diversity is our strength.
More chipping away at white Europeans in their own countries by the supposedly intellectual beard strokers.

And that's just the women.

Woke and Wokism. Banging on and on about the so called 'gender pay gap'. Never with any mention of the workplace performance & commitment-hours-per-week gap.

Woke politics...........delusional nonsense. Fake victimhood.
The sooner we get through this ridiculous woke period of history the better.

Woke might just finish off our Civilisation. Long before we 'get through this period'.

Civilisations are a very fragile thing.

There is only so much hypocrisy, decadence, debt, inflation, internal-strife, religious-conflict, feminism, foreign-wars, immigration, disloyalty, corruption, infertility, etc that any Civilisation can withstand.

i predict that Italy will be the first domino to fall, and then to bring the whole kaboodle crashing down. 470 AD was only the rehearsal.
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Woke might just finish off our Civilisation. Long before we 'get through this period'.

Civilisations are a very fragile thing.

There is only so much hypocrisy, decadence, debt, inflation, internal-strife, religious-conflict, feminism, foreign-wars, immigration, disloyalty, corruption, infertility, etc that any Civilisation can withstand.

i predict that Italy will be the first domino to fall, and then to bring the whole kaboodle crashing down. 470 AD was only the rehearsal.
Meloni has been making some interesting and aggressive noises on immigration of late, wants the Ukraine war ended as well.

Then again, we heard all this before she became leader and then she went all compliant with the EU.

Maybe she's fed up with that or is threatening them with this type of rhetoric.
Meloni has been making some interesting and aggressive noises on immigration of late, wants the Ukraine war ended as well.

Then again, we heard all this before she became leader and then she went all compliant with the EU.

Maybe she's fed up with that or is threatening them with this type of rhetoric.
They just had another random murder by a son of African immigrants in Northern Italy and there are widespread protests. It was a woman out for a stroll killed by guy who went out with a knife intending to kill anyone he met, according to reports. I'm presuming that may be a part of this.
They just had another random murder by a son of African immigrants in Northern Italy and there are widespread protests. It was a woman out for a stroll killed by guy who went out with a knife intending to kill anyone he met, according to reports. I'm presuming that may be a part of this.
There was also a multiple stabbing on a bus in in Siegel in Western Germany on Friday. 5 people injured by a woman.
There was also a multiple stabbing on a bus in in Siegel in Western Germany on Friday. 5 people injured by a woman.

a statistical rarity.

Will Woke try to tell us she is the victim ?


and regarding the video below. Do you enjoy a privileged status just because your own ancestors survived a Famine ? Does it fan the flames of Civil Strife to tell all newcomers that the old guard are like spoilt kids ? What will be next ? Those who stormed the Beaches at Normandy were privileged ?

It was amusing when a nutter at a Students Union said it. Less amusing when senior politicians begin to repeat the rhetoric.

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a statistical rarity.

Will Woke try to tell us she is the victim ?


and regarding the video below. Do you enjoy a privileged status just because your own ancestors survived a Famine ? Does it fan the flames of Civil Strife to tell all newcomers that the old guard are like spoilt kids ? What will be next ? Those who stormed the Beaches at Normandy were privileged ?

It was amusing when a nutter at a Students Union said it. Less amusing when senior politicians begin to repeat the rhetoric.

Gay, race communism.