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The List of 75 Books Removed or Excluded from the Bible​

  1. The Protevangelion
  2. The Gospel of the Infancy of Jesus Christ
  3. The Infancy Gospel of Thomas
  4. The Epistles of Jesus Christ and Abgarus King of Edessa
  5. The Gospel of Nicodemus (Acts of Pilate)
  6. The Apostles’ Creed (throughout history)
  7. The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Laodiceans
  8. The Epistles of Paul the Apostle to Seneca, with Seneca’s to Paul
  9. The Acts of Paul and Thecla
  10. The Epistle of Clement
  11. The Second Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians
  12. The Epistle of Barnabas
  13. The Epistle of Ignatius to the Ephesians
  14. The Epistle of Ignatius to the Magnesians
  15. The Epistle of Ignatius to the Trallians
  16. The Epistle of Ignatius to the Romans
  17. The Epistle of Ignatius to the Philadelphians
  18. The Epistle of Ignatius to the Smyrneans
  19. The Epistle of Ignatius to Polycarp
  20. The Shepherd of Hermas (Visions, Commands, and Similitudes)
  21. Letter of Herod To Pilate the Governor
  22. Letter of Pilate to Herod
  23. The Lost Gospel of Peter
  24. The Epistle of Polycarp to the Philippians
  25. Book of Enoch 1
  26. Book of Enoch 2 (known as The Secrets of Enoch
  27. Enoch 3
  28. Book of Esdras 1
  29. Book of Esdras 2
  30. Book of Maccabees 1
  31. Book of Maccabees 2
  32. Book of Maccabees 3
  33. Book of Maccabees 4
  34. Book of Maccabees 5
  35. Book of Tobit
  36. Book of Jasher
  37. Book of Judith
  38. Book of Esther
  39. Book of Ecclesiasticus / Sirach
  40. Book of Jubilees
  41. Book of Baruch 1
  42. Book of Barucu 2
  43. Book of Baruch 3
  44. Book of The Shepherd of Hermas
  45. Book of Wisdom / Wisdom of Solomon
  46. Book of The Psalms of Solomon
  47. Book of The Odes of Solomon
  48. Book of Giants
  49. Book of Adam and Eve 1
  50. The Conflict of Adam and Eve with Satan
  51. The Gospel of James / The Protevangelion
  52. The Gospel of Peter
  53. The Gospel of Thomas
  54. The Gospel of Nicodemus / Acts of Pilate
  55. The Syriac Infancy Gospel / Infancy of Jesus Christ
  56. The Epistles of Jesus Christ and Abgarus, King of Edessa
  57. The Epistle of Aristeas
  58. The Epistle of Jeremiah
  59. The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Laodiceans
  60. The Epistles of Paul the Apostle to Seneca
  61. The Epistle of Pilate to Herod
  62. Assumption of Moses
  63. Apocalypse of Moses
  64. Testament of Abraham
  65. Apocalypse of Abraham
  66. Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs
  67. The Acts of Paul
  68. The Acts of Paul and Thecla
  69. The Apostles Creed
  70. Psalm 151
  71. Story of Susanna*
  72. Story of Bel and The Dragon*
  73. Story of Ahikar*
  74. The Prayer of Azariah and the Songs of the Three Holy Children*
  75. Prayer of Manaseer
Interesting I don't see the Gospel of Mary Magdalene but I take your point.
Orville was too unhinged to be properly involved and his incontinence tipped him over the edge. Emu's violent outbursts were targeted and ruthless but Orville was a pure psycho mayhem merchant.
so if Emu was Luca Brassi, Orville was your Sonny Corleone, and the Ostrich was the Don of course, or was he Michael and Bernie Clifton was Il Padrino? Bird seed and water bowl racket if I'm not mistaken. Poor Rod Hull, but someone had to take the rap. And nobody ended up before the beak.
Many years ago I saw a documentary about how the new testament came into being. If I recall the final version didn't happen until around 600 AD, before that it was like the okey cokey. Some books never made it into the bible others were always there and some were in then out then in again.

I don't wish to criticise anybody's faith but if you know the history of the bible it is quite clear that there was a lot of human intervention and interpretation so I could never get my head around those who believe in the absolute word.

Another excellent documentary was about the King James bible. This was put together by a team of bishops and contains some beautiful language and along with Shakespeare is one of the main contributors to the English language.

Nevertheless it was clear that the bishops used a great deal of leeway in translating from Greek or Aramaic into English. The meaning I think was the same but for someone to say that the King James is the absolute word of god is to misunderstand that process.

They gave an example the 23rd Psalm which is a beautiful passage "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me."

The literal translation (I can't find it) meant the same but it was clunky and not nearly as memorable.

Anyway may your god go with you.

Yep, but never believing in their book in a literal sense never bothered most Jews....who are secular to a high percentage. They look out for each other and keep those bonds independent of the religion that forged them.

If Christians are to survive......they need to get away from the universalism that modern interpretations like to focus on (much more than in the past) and start associating Christianity with national/ethnic identity exactly as the Jews do.....The bible itself allows and encourages this with the Tower of Babel story.

Otherwise they are history within another hundred years....Quicker in Europe....and what replaces it won't be as kind......Christianity has plenty of enemies out there from other identities who are eager for its demise and are not above lies and deception to facilitate it.
or being done by a bird. Prison stuffing doesn't taste so good. All beaks are peckers but not all peckers are beaks. His prison warden used to be Tweety Pie's apparently. 😳
Being done by a bird is probably amongst the most popular of all Christmas wishes with most prisoners....and some dodgy female ones.

Being done by the prison warden is probably more likely.
Being done by a bird is probably amongst the most popular of all Christmas wishes with most prisoners....and some dodgy female ones.

Being done by the prison warden is probably more likely.
you have to be clear with your use of the active and passive, otherwise one might assume that you're referring to 'strap-ons'. I'm not a grammar snob but we do need clarity on this point I feel.
you have to be clear with your use of the active and passive, otherwise one might assume that you're referring to 'strap-ons'. I'm not a grammar snob but we do need clarity on this point I feel.

People assuming that I'm referring to 'strap-ons' is so common at this point that I'm considering opening a retail outlet.
does GP stand for Guinea Pig?

I'm afraid you'd have to sign up to our secret society of strap on experts before I could divulge that information....after first learning all the hand signals of course.

Ignore the fact that I've just told you it was secret....because that doesn't make sense....like most of the hand signals.
I'm afraid you'd have to sign up to our secret society of strap on experts before I could divulge that information....after first learning all the hand signals of course.

Ignore the fact that I've just told you it was secret....because that doesn't make sense....like most of the hand signals.
A good friend of mine (the often mentioned ' dirty dave') got a good pegging one night from a very beefy buxom barmaid, many years his senior (Addo bird)
He was a bit of a tough guy & master swordsman.
Looked a shadow of himself for several days after..never saw him so whipped again, even after a couple of kickings from angry boyfriends of girlies he'd rumped.
I remember seeing one on YouTube some years back saying that after WWII Hitler fled to Kenya and is in fact Obama's real father.
No quite sure I believe it, but it would be wild if it were true.
I remember seeing one on YouTube some years back saying that after WWII Hitler fled to Kenya and is in fact Obama's real father.
No quite sure I believe it, but it would be wild if it were true.

Believe me, if Hitler had survived then the Soviets would have moved heaven and earth to find him.
Hitler killed far more of them than anyone else.

They found enough bone remains at the bunker to identify him.

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