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Which conspiracy theories do you believe?

Eddie Moliano

New Cross
Trump's attempted assasination was an inside job.

Mike Lynch's death due to his yacht sinking (days after his co-defendant was run over by a car) was planned.
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Where you can actually still watch it:

the Conspiracy Theory that your vote makes zero impact.

That a dozen men in suits really ARE running the World.

That our politicians hate us.

That success is not 'what you know, but who you know'

That the crash of Princess Diana, in Paris, was.....eh........i had better not finish the sentence.

That FiFa referees are crooked

That the World Banking system is a gigantic Ponzi scheme

That high ranking Narco Terrorists are one and the same as High ranking leaders
the Conspiracy Theory that your vote makes zero impact.

That a dozen men in suits really ARE running the World.

That our politicians hate us.

That success is not 'what you know, but who you know'

That the crash of Princess Diana, in Paris, was.....eh........i had better not finish the sentence.

That FiFa referees are crooked

That the World Banking system is a gigantic Ponzi scheme

That high ranking Narco Terrorists are one and the same as High ranking leader

Excellent post. Probably a few more than 12, who knows.

I'm not religious, but I'd say there is a spiritual battle between good and evil - also we are all the same one conscoiousness.

Which unfortunately means I'm the same as Wisbech; who will soon enter the conversation.

Maybe not a conspiracy as such; but certainly something overlooked in my opinion.
Candace Owens believes Brigitte Macron is a man.

and a certain 'lady' that was in the white house has a digeridoo.
(according to J.Rivers.)
I've not read the wiki page on Icke; but I'm guessing it will be the narrow minded blinkered view the MSM and general public have of him.

I think I can sum up what has happened to icke over the years. We live in a world where norms are created. Some things that question those norms are considered crazy by simple reflex action.

Icke's books are over 500 pages and his talks go on for over 8 hours. Plenty of information. But he's just known as the lizard guy to most.

If people just buy the MSM copy and paste view of him then they won't find out more information on the subjects he talks about.

Of course in isolation "reptiles rule the world, sounds mad. But there is more to the story.

He may have survived so far, because it may create more interest in his work if he was knocked off. But I don't know to be honest.

For now unfortunately he is just that nutter David Icke. Maybe that's saved him.
The biggest satanic Happening, not Conspiracy, was the Monster of Florence, initially 16 couples were murdered, with the v***** cut out of the females for satanic rituals in the villas of the Florence hills, by a grand freemason lodge of 8 men, including Judges, Politicians, head of police, barrister and a relative of Alistair Crowley, this happened mainly in the 1980s, nobody was inclusively charged, the investigation was reopened in the 2000s by the Chief of the squadra Mobile, Michele Giuttari who found evidence of the crimes, twice he was tried to be assassinated, once with a car bomb and once with a shooting, the perpetrators murdered another 17 witnesses to keep the anyone from testifying, Giuttari retired saying that although he new the perpetrators, they would never be bought to justice.