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Traditional Wives create a strong society

south pole
Another way of saying 'the Woman's place is in the home'.

- start having kids young, and have lots of kids
- get married & stay married
- The purpose of marriage is child-rearing, not handbag shopping.

- career women
- single mothers on benefits, married to Daddy Taxpayer.
- divorcees, like Katie Price who is working on her Third divorce. Reportedly bankrupt again.
- Voluntary childlessness
- The fashionable so-called 'blended family'.....akin to Ulrika Johnson with 4 kids by 4 different fathers.

In 1946 London or Hungary today, a blue-collar man could afford a home, a wife, and any number of kids. Today he is lucky if he rents a room in a house-share in Clapham. A house full of singletons.

And the crux of the argument : Non traditional wives create a strong market for housing. It is often well-funded. And hence creates a society of unaffordable housing. Hence the US & Western Europe are suffering homelessness, a consequent reluctance to start a family, low fertility......culminating in :
- Silicon Valley & central London, populated by sterile twenty somethings 'Friends'
- a deadzone like Junkie Village in downtown Philadelphia.
- the pensions timebomb
- the demographic implosion

One or two 'non traditional wives' is fine and dandy. A whole society of them creates Chaos.

Japan is the canary in the mine for all of us. An elderly society crumbling under its own hypocrisy. A tough & grinding education system & labour market. All leading to nowhere. Just a demographic oblivion. And the private romantic lives of the Japanese ? Not very traditional.

Visit the border between Southern Spain and Northern Morocco.....different wives, different society. Or the border between Germany and Poland.
Failed Societies.....Japan, Italy, South Korea, Eastern Germany. Nations that are dying out.

And if the woman's place is in the home, then the mans place is earning a crust to financially support his woman. And only supporting his own woman.

There are not many feminist women fighting in the trenches of Ukraine.

Rome 470 AD, decadence comes before a fall. First your economy & financial markets fall with debt and inflation. Then your military prowess falls due to being skint. Then your borders fall to Atilla & the lads. Then your religious harmony & cohesive-ideology takes a hit. Your Courts lose legitimacy and often get ignored completely.

And the faultline of this argument : Donald Trump vs Kamala Harris
Nigel Farage vs Keir Starmer
Marine LePen vs Macron
Nato vs Putin
Right vs Left

The storming of the beaches at Normandy. It was the sons of traditional women, fighting to protect the next generation of the same.

What is the formula to create a strong society ? A challenge to leftwingers on here. Describe a strong and successful society ?

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