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The Lumpen-Proletariat......a.k.a Skangers

south pole

- refuse to work in a taxpaying job*
- refuse to abide by the Law

- refuse to use any contraception
- refuse to commit to any kind of education or training

-refuse to use their own money to raise their kids
- refuse to turn down the music......either in the car or the home.

- are certain that the World owes them a living
- see a personal-injury claim as a free lottery ticket

- refuse to go easy on the drink & drugs.
- Longterm unemployed, sometimes its 3 or 4 generations of the same.


* although they may fix your roof for some cash-in-hand.

This thread transcends any colour, class, identity, or creed. Skangers are to be found all over the World, and in every town - from Timbuktoo to Thornton Heath, the American Wild West to West Croydon, Penyang to Penge. What is surely noteworthy, is how we deal with them in the decadent West. Elsewhere, they are not given quite as much license to wreak havoc.

And if you were a benevolent despot, with the sword of Leviathan, how would you legislate for this ?

( in your discussion , you may identify any individuals from the newspapers - or report anti-social behaviours you yourself have witnessed , you may legally ask salty questions, but please do not otherwise generalise to any identifiable protected categories of people. BMW drivers, drug dealers, gang members, pitbull owners.....all can be discussed. 'other protected'....use your own discretion )
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Several of my previous neighbours had their patios expanded before going on a long-term holiday

* apologies for the wishy-washy liberal train of thought. 🙂
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apologies, i tried to kill the thread earlier.

Generally, I don't think you can reason with certain types, who also lack the intelligence to see how things impact others, or indeed themselves. They lack aspirations and self-worth, and the only options are incarceration , or Dignitas.

I know a couple in south Wales. They both worked when they got a mortgage on their terraced house, around 40 years ago. Then the woman got agoraphobia, the husband chucked in his job to become her carer.
They'd only leave the house to go to the local shop, or drop their child at school. After 20 years, their kid left home, and the wife got better. they inherited some money they didn't tell the DSS about. They bought a car (which she drives) and bought the house next door and knocked through to have a house twice the size (no mortgage).
Both still on benefits , and only a few years away from going onto pensions. worked a total of 5 years between them.

Fat lazy C-units. If only we had someone with experience of not doing proper checks on their gas appliances.
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In the bad old days if you didn't work you either starved, begged or committed crime. If you were a criminal and got caught the punishment was severe including death. So working did seem preferable to many.

People stayed in their communities so everyone knew who the bad people were and so most people stayed on the side of law and order, social pressure (rough justice) sorted out the odd delinquent.

Today communities are fragmented and law and order a joke. If you know your neighbour is dealing drugs you keep your head down, and far too many people can milk the benefits system.

Unless we have a radical approach to benefits and go back to the core value of only looking after those that cannot look after themselves nothing will change.
Hasn't this been Boris Johnson for the last couple of years.
I believe the correct term for politicians/ ex politicians is grifting. As opposed to being a skanger. Skanger is more people who look up to gypsies and travellers as role models. Their hero will be Conor McGregor and their favourite music will be really loud techno played on headphones everyone can hear.
Hasn't this been Boris Johnson for the last couple of years.
His second jobs and the covid contracts debacle has him sitting his fat @r5e on piles of cash, which will gradually be frittered away on child Support. All that Public Schooling has given him no Class at all.
Miraculous accounting probably has him in the skangers tax bracket.
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In Ireland Rathkeale will suffice. Put everyone there and see how it goes. But no way let them get anywhere else.
In England, I'm thinking maybe Bromsgrove.
the pressure-release valve for Rathkeale seems to now be County Longford. Like a gigantic Skanger game-reservation. The local District Court is like a Chernobyl for skangerdom. Makes Boston-Lancashire & Luton look posh.

Whilst it is easy to get drawn into slating this segment of our society, we also need to understand that they are essentially a creation of the socially liberal class who NEED them.

Look at the legal system.

I remember when there was an infamous case where a farmer killed a 16 year old kid during an attempted burglary at his property (I believe the farmer died recently). Now society divided along the usual fault lines but what struck me at the time was that the kid had been arrested numerous times before hand (I think it might have been at least 30, possibly more). What struck me was for each of those arrests there would have been a duty solicitor called out. And a whole host of others, all earning a living off the back of it.

Liberalism is the problem. Not the peasants who take advantage of it. We will always have the bottom feeders in our society. Just the nature of humanity. I have read a claim that up to 20% of the population might not even have any kind of consciousness in the way the rest of us have. Literally incapable of any kind of coherent thought processes beyond an instinctive 'live fast, die young' drive.

They deserve our pity. Yes, they need to be treated far harsher but our loathing should be reserved for the Soc.libs who are the literal parasitical class who leech off their animalistic behaviour. And who expect the rest of us to pay the price for their virtue addiction, which is their driving compulsion.

As a great man recently stated... 'The fundamental weakness of Western civilization is empathy'.
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Whilst it is easy to get drawn into slating this segment of our society, we also need to understand that they are essentially a creation of the socially liberal class who NEED them.

Look at the legal system.

I remember when there was an infamous case where a farmer killed a 16 year old kid during an attempted burglary at his property (I believe the farmer died recently). Now society divided along the usual fault lines but what struck me at the time was that the kid had been arrested numerous times before hand (I think it might have been at least 30, possibly more). What struck me was for each of those arrests there would have been a duty solicitor called out. And a whole host of others, all earning a living off the back of it.

Liberalism is the problem. Not the peasants who take advantage of it. We will always have the bottom feeders in our society. Just the nature of humanity. I have read a claim that up to 20% of the population might not even have any kind of consciousness in the way the rest of us have. Literally incapable of any kind of coherent thought processes beyond an instinctive 'live fast, die young' drive.

They deserve our pity. Yes, they need to be treated far harsher but our loathing should be reserved for the Soc.libs who are the literal parasitical class who leech off their animalistic behaviour. And who expect the rest of us to pay the price for their virtue addiction, which is their driving compulsion.

As a great man recently stated... 'The fundamental weakness of Western civilization is empathy'.

What, Big Elon?

Totally the opposite for me, Clive. If more people had empathy for others’ situations there would be far less conflict.

But that’s a huge philosophical debate potentially for another thread.
Whilst it is easy to get drawn into slating this segment of our society, we also need to understand that they are essentially a creation of the socially liberal class who NEED them.

Look at the legal system.

I remember when there was an infamous case where a farmer killed a 16 year old kid during an attempted burglary at his property (I believe the farmer died recently). Now society divided along the usual fault lines but what struck me at the time was that the kid had been arrested numerous times before hand (I think it might have been at least 30, possibly more). What struck me was for each of those arrests there would have been a duty solicitor called out. And a whole host of others, all earning a living off the back of it.

Liberalism is the problem. Not the peasants who take advantage of it. We will always have the bottom feeders in our society. Just the nature of humanity. I have read a claim that up to 20% of the population might not even have any kind of consciousness in the way the rest of us have. Literally incapable of any kind of coherent thought processes beyond an instinctive 'live fast, die young' drive.

They deserve our pity. Yes, they need to be treated far harsher but our loathing should be reserved for the Soc.libs who are the literal parasitical class who leech off their animalistic behaviour. And who expect the rest of us to pay the price for their virtue addiction, which is their driving compulsion.

As a great man recently stated... 'The fundamental weakness of Western civilization is empathy'.
He was Tony Martin who came from Emneth near Wisbech. He did indeed die recently. I met him in the town when I lived there, after he was released from jail. It could be that another regular poster here also met him. I didn’t ever know him but our paths crossed.

It wasn’t just the teenage burglars, who were from the “traveller” community, that had a reputation. Martin did too. He had little to no regard for the law which he felt, with some justification, was ill equipped to help protect them.

It is a basic principle of the UK justice system that everyone is entitled to legal advice and representation if charged with a criminal offence. Do you seriously want that withdrawn?
Matov makes some valid points. There is wiggle-room over the percentages, but you will always find (in spite of thatcher's love of tinkering with how the figures are compiled), that there is a stubborn, immovable percentage of the population who won't/can't work, and are reliant on benefits.
Some, like the people i referred to in South Wales, live a quiet unobtrusive life and have little negative social impact on others. They have respect for the law, other than claiming benefits they patently aren't entitled to.
Skangers I would classify as being highly visible noticeable, just in the way they conduct themselves in public. Their low aspirations of a 'day out for the family', sees them shoplifting vapes and Lambrini in the local Aldi. The irony is the person in charge of cutting benefits, is herself seen free-loading tickets to events for friends and family, and no doubt there are many other dubious activities by the ruling elites plundering public money.

The sticking point for me , is who is paying for this ? The muggins working/middle-classes who pay taxes to finance both these sectors life-styles. Because neither of the groups has any real idea what a real working day is like, or earning a living
Because neither of the groups has any real idea what a real working day is like, or earning a living

The definition of Skanger must surely be fairly fluid ? Both lads in the links below HAVE worked a day job. The Bus-driver is certainly profligate and reckless - a drain on the taxpayer. Not exactly a role model for good parenting. But what is the difference between him and Elon Musk ?

and the one below defies words...........skanger man, skanger jobs.....nightclub bouncer, car park clamping job,

Leader of the Texas Religious Cult at Waco, David Koresh. Something similar. Not employed in a day job. You may not condemn him for having a ton of kids by a ton of different women. But he certainly qualifies as a skanger from the hot-wheels car he drove & his awful taste in music.
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The sticking point for me , is who is paying for this ? The muggins working/middle-classes who pay taxes to finance both these sectors life-styles. Because neither of the groups has any real idea what a real working day is like, or earning a living

This in a nutshell. Soc.libs love to feel good about themselves by championing the underclass. Which is all well and good but not if we have to pay for it. With these two segments of society inextricably linked.

The 'Welfare State' is effectively the death knell for Western Civilisation. The scouge that needs to removing from how we exist if we are to make it through this period of history with any kind of society worth labelling as such still in place.

Personally i think it is now so deeply engrained into the fabric of society that it ultimately has to implode under the weight of its own contradictions rather than any outside force proving its demise. What comes after though...mhm
This in a nutshell. Soc.libs love to feel good about themselves by championing the underclass. Which is all well and good but not if we have to pay for it. With these two segments of society inextricably linked.

The 'Welfare State' is effectively the death knell for Western Civilisation. The scouge that needs to removing from how we exist if we are to make it through this period of history with any kind of society worth labelling as such still in place.

Personally i think it is now so deeply engrained into the fabric of society that it ultimately has to implode under the weight of its own contradictions rather than any outside force proving its demise. What comes after though...mhm
Margaret Thatcher has to take a lot of the blame for this.

Whilst I agree that the taxpayer should not fund obsolete industries such as coal, steel and car manufacturers it was the speed of change and lack of alternate jobs that created the problem.

Within a few short years we had whole areas of the country with high unemployment, people who had previously had jobs and then they didn't. As unemployment became the norm the next generation just decided they didn't have to work either and then it snowballed.

I grew up on a council estate in the 1960's men were ashamed if they were out of work it was not something you told your neighbours. Today it appears to be a source of pride for some about how much benefits they get.

This all traces back to Thatcher and not winding down heavy industry whilst providing alternate employment.
Matov makes some valid points. There is wiggle-room over the percentages, but you will always find (in spite of thatcher's love of tinkering with how the figures are compiled), that there is a stubborn, immovable percentage of the population who won't/can't work, and are reliant on benefits.
Some, like the people i referred to in South Wales, live a quiet unobtrusive life and have little negative social impact on others. They have respect for the law, other than claiming benefits they patently aren't entitled to.
Skangers I would classify as being highly visible noticeable, just in the way they conduct themselves in public. Their low aspirations of a 'day out for the family', sees them shoplifting vapes and Lambrini in the local Aldi. The irony is the person in charge of cutting benefits, is herself seen free-loading tickets to events for friends and family, and no doubt there are many other dubious activities by the ruling elites plundering public money.

The sticking point for me , is who is paying for this ? The muggins working/middle-classes who pay taxes to finance both these sectors life-styles. Because neither of the groups has any real idea what a real working day is like, or earning a living

I'd agree with much of what you say here, but when these discussions are made you inevitably run into the issue of what jobs are you expecting these groups to be doing exactly?

Is the state providing the business environment....or indeed, is the business sector providing the jobs for these people that will replace their living expenses?

Otherwise are we heading back to Victorian times and workhouses for the poor.
Margaret Thatcher has to take a lot of the blame for this.

Whilst I agree that the taxpayer should not fund obsolete industries such as coal, steel and car manufacturers it was the speed of change and lack of alternate jobs that created the problem.

Within a few short years we had whole areas of the country with high unemployment, people who had previously had jobs and then they didn't. As unemployment became the norm the next generation just decided they didn't have to work either and then it snowballed.

I grew up on a council estate in the 1960's men were ashamed if they were out of work it was not something you told your neighbours. Today it appears to be a source of pride for some about how much benefits they get.

This all traces back to Thatcher and not winding down heavy industry whilst providing alternate employment.

Yep, she decided to ignore the north and just focus on finance and the barrel boys in the city......It worked short term but stored up the kind of problems you are referring to there.

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