Spain football kiss 'stained' World Cup win, Hermoso tells Rubiales trial
Luis Rubiales went on trial in Madrid on Monday over the kiss, accused of sexual assault and coercion.
I thought this had been all sorted, but obviously not.
Without doubt Rubiales made a bad decision to kiss Jenni Hermoso smack bang on the lips, and, although I recall there was talk of him displaying misogynistic behaviour before this, I could also accept that his action was one of someone wrapped up in the heat and excitement of the moment. Perhaps it was wrong, but does it deserve an 18 month jail sentence for sexual assault, which is being pushed for by prosecutors?
If he had done this in a dark corner under the stadium after the game, then the implications of such an act could justifiably be taken entirely differently. But this was in full view of millions of viewers so it could not be construed as a prelude to him wanting to take advantage of Heromoso with the intent to take things further.
A number of years back in the early "noughties" the HR team that I was part of went out for an evening meal. I remember the HR director welcoming everyone - a handshake for the men, and a single kiss full on the lips for the women. At the time I did think that it was a bit ill-judged and inappropriate, but even if the women found this a bit creepy nobody thought this worthy of starting court proceedings.
Okay, I am seeing this from a male perspective and don't personally know what it is like to be subject to unwanted male advances, but I can't help feel that this could have been sorted out in a more measured way. The trouble is when an incident like this is taken up by people with an agenda ( which does seem to have happened here) , the opposing sides sides become increasingly entrenched and polarised in their stance and unwilling to concede any ground.