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Ship collision in North Sea

in a hidey-hole
yesterday two ships collided off the Humber coast. One was a container ship, the other was a tanker carrying US military aviation fuel.
The tanker fire seems to have been extinguished and of course there might be a big clean-up needed to limit environmental harm. (then again, no-one will see it, so it might just 'go away')
The cargo ship is a bit more concerning , as it was first stated it was carrying toxic material, then denied, but the ship is still burning.
I don't think the truth about the cargo will ever come out. Too many people involved, maybe.
Just all seems very suspicious that the details about the container ship are non-existent, yet we were made aware very quickly the tanker was carrying military aviation fuel.
Curiouser and curiouser.
its amazing that ship-crashes don't happen more often. And even more amazing that the Vikings crossed that poxy rough sea at night. And in sufficient numbers to pull everybody's pants down.

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