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Prison overcrowding.

This could easily be solved by the Government reviewing those suspected of being wrongfully convicted.Thousands would be released. To help in future the police should collect all evidence and supply the court with their findings not just the prosecuting side,and lose the" nick nick" mentality.Eventually British justice would become the envy of the rest of the world.

Nice idea in principle but in practice would take an age and take significant resources so is just not practical.
Every conviction has the right to an appeal already - the main way a case gets further reviewed is if new evidence comes to light (e.g. a new witness) or information previously supplied is deemed unreliable.

Surely the only medium term solution is for us to build more prisons
Nice idea in principle but in practice would take an age and take significant resources so is just not practical.
Every conviction has the right to an appeal already - the main way a case gets further reviewed is if new evidence comes to light (e.g. a new witness) or information previously supplied is deemed unreliable.

Surely the only medium term solution is for us to build more prisons
Every innocent person should be free, if you jail an innocent person a serial criminal goes free to further there misdeeds.