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pre and post match pub?

And all the tied houses within 3 miles of the brewery were delivered by Drey horses, which got special in their mash. You could also visit them behind the Brewery Tap.
We visited the brewery as our ' Economics field trip' for A level when I was in 6th form......most of us got absolutely smashed.....
Alas the Fountain Head is long gone, a small estate has been there for at least 25 years. The Lord Napier around the corner is another that's long gone and has been lying empty for again around 25 years as is the Grange (Picture attached) further up the road 🙁
All my old haunts! First time I got drunk was in the Grange. Went to Beulah school and 39th Scouts so Lord Napier was always near by and had my first Saturday job there. My bedroom used to look out into the Fountain Head
An avalanche of sadness washes over me when I cast my eyes on Public Houses boarded up or witness those establishments which I used to attend converted to residential properties or retail outlets.
So many joyful memories in the mists of time.
Lovely memories in a few pubs in the area. But even nostalgia isn't what it used to be.
I know, but this was over 30 years ago when it was still brewed in Wandsworth !
For many years a small batch brew was brewed in the Wandsworth brewery by John Hatch who now brews for Sambrooks at a nearby site,Youngs continued to brew in order for the yeast to remain useable in the future.

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