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Peter Mandleson announced as new UK ambassador to the USA.

It's amazing how people have short memories.

They don't. Not in politics. For me, and this is the bit both delighting and twisting my sad old crust up over this, is that Mandleson is damaged goods. Not Ambassadorial material in the slightest. And especially not for the US and in light of a Trump Presidency. And yet they do this. This is not poor judgement. This is a very deliberate and specific decision that can only be designed to send one big f*** off message. Trump is primarily feared by Globalists because of the tariffs he is threatening.

In my opinion, Mandleson is the Globalists Ambassador to the US. f*** all to do with the UK and even less to do with Starmer and co. You want proof that Starmer is nothing more than a severely compromised figure-head, who the plug can be pulled on at any time if he dares try to not toe the line, then this is it.

Now if people want to throw accusations of donning the silver-foil hat at me then as per usual, I will happily swallow that.

But none of that makes me wrong.

Nothing at this level of politics just happens without massive background context.

He lied on a mortgage application which is a legal document.

Failed to declare a loan properly had to resign

There are others including his Brazilian boyfriend but I can't be bothered Private Eye had a regular column about his lies.

I shouldn't have mentioned court I meant legal
Oh! I started to take you half seriously until that well known journal of upright reporting was mentioned, probably best to steer clear of comics.
Seriously it's the Mail or private Eye oh it can't be true.

Just Google it.
Just before the outbreak of World War One the Daily Mail to their eternal shame put four men with handlebar moustaches in German uniform and had them parade up and down Oxford Street,upsetting many Saturday shoppers.The Mail has a rule make it short make it sharp and make it up,whenever anyone uses the term"gutter press" I instantly think of the Mail.If I couldn't afford toilet paper the Mail could be put to much better use.
Aren’t using dark arts exactly what is required when dealing with someone like Trump and those pulling his strings?
No Wisbech. Trump is the public's response. Responding to decades of an inner political cabal using all its dark arts to hoodwink the public.

Nobody voted for constant war since 1945. And yet the Nato wars go on relentlessly. Trump is a peacemaker. Biden/Clinton et al ? the opposite.
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