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Palace vs Millwall

Pick a weaker team - chance of defeat or draw, that feeling of what might have been this season
Pick a strong side - increase likelihood of victory, looking forward to the draw, the possibility of what yet might be

OG will pick a strong side.
I see Thornton heath station is shut and some are querying why……I should imagine it’s because they don’t want the Neanderthal’s doing what Neanderthal’s do and that’s marching along Thornton Heath high street and turning over outside shop displays etc
That analogy is outdated.

Neanderthals might have been cleverer than us, and most Europeans carry a few percent of their genes.
Some Millwall appear to be missing a few genes. Maybe some of them could do with some more Neanderthal and less imbecile.
Fair enough, I stand corrected, shall we just call them knuckle dragging thugs then? 😁
Just the name Millwall is enough to paint the picture.
Is it right to call our less able brethren names,it is probably their upbringing and social disadvantages.
"Gee Officer Krupke" 🙂

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