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Interesting (?) Political stuff...

Well, I'm obviously more to the left than many on here but I wouldn't consider it wrong to criticise the left if I thought they are wrong on something.

Why would I?
So where's this post of you criticising the left then?.....because so far all I've seen is you moaning about the right being the right.
I wouldn't call pensioners a drain on society myself, they are our people.....Well, most of them.

An aging society is a success story.....What I'm far more criticial of is a generation of women who didn't do their biological jobs and have children and the culture that encouraged them not to........Governments who didn't help and enable birth rate replacement to happen.....total disaster.

The cultural shift from a duty to the next generation and instead towards the self wasn't just pulling the ladder up.....it was cutting it up and then burning it.
The current crop of pensioners can't at all claim to care about a duty to the next generation - they are probably the most self-interested voting block in the country, and have consistently voted for/against policies which knowingly make things harder for younger generations.
Given the interest rates over the last few years, most of that tax will come from, in some cases, the State pension (contributed) and any other pensions that the payee may have accrued/paid for. Pension income of £1047.50 will put you into the tax bracket!
So their income increased in line with interest rates... must be nice!
The current crop of pensioners can't at all claim to care about a duty to the next generation - they are probably the most self-interested voting block in the country, and have consistently voted for/against policies which knowingly make things harder for younger generations.
I hear what you're saying, but like I say, they are us.....so I don't see the dynamic as a confrontational one.

People are people, I blame the liberalism that slowly took over from the socially conservative society post WW2....By the 70s most of the war generation had died or long since retired. Culture is downstream from law and personal expectations rose to become entitlements and duty because a boring and increasingly dirty word. Yes, the boomers started that but it was given and taught to them by their elites.

If you watch the old film 'Hobson's Choice', which reflects the culture from that time and compare it to today.....You can kind of see where the rot set in.

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