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CPISA updates


It was mentioned on the BBS that at Spurs they are stopping anyone that reaching 66 after this season from ever being able to claim OAP price for a season ticket (and for those 'legacy fans' who already get OAP price, they can only continue to get the OAP rate it in certain, less desirable, blocks of the ground)

At West Ham there are no OAP or child prices for matchday tickets (only for season tickets) meaning for a Cat A game against Man City, the cheapest child members matchday ticket is £50, or £55 for non members
There is work going on regarding concession prices via the FSA and the Independent Trusts and Supporter Associations coming together to address. We all agree this is not acceptable and without getting younger fans in there will be no fanbase for these clubs in a few years time but with all the tourists around they may not care.

It is sad that the clubs which were started by their communities are being priced out of those same communities in many cases. When I look at what some clubs have done re ticket prices (Fulham for example), I can't help but feel that we've been lucky at Palace with no increase this year. Be interesting to see what the season ticket prices are when the new stand is completed!
I will be sending a full briefing to members over the weekend re the conversation we had with the club earlier this week but I thought I would just post some key points here, it's a bit of a mega post so apologies for that. Also please bear in mind we are working hard on everyone's behalf, we would love to see a situation where everyone gets their personal choice over whether to have a plastic or digital ticket and there is a lot of challenge and individual work going on behind the scenes so we'd be really grateful if you didn't shoot the messenger!

Over 1,000 plastic tickets have been issued again this season. Last season between 600 and 700 people with plastic tickets also used digital tickets and this was one of the determining factors for this year.

In terms of notifying fans re the process for applying for plastic season tickets this time around, the club confirmed they emailed all existing plastic card holders before renewal with info re the process and the form that was required to be completed. Some people have opted out of marketing emails and the club weren't able to contact those people. If you didn’t receive the emails you may want to check your account details, make sure your email address is current and correct and review marketing preferences to enable the club to get key info sent to you.

The club has also been in touch with all supporters registered with them as disabled but they are aware not everyone wants to register a disability and therefore they won’t know of any special circumstances for these fans. If you have a disability and are concerned about the decision re your ticket you should contact Nikki Gibbons, the club DLO.

For those people who have not had a plastic card agreed and have decided to go ahead with collecting printed tickets, the club will be adding additional collection points at Holmesdale and other places around the ground to make it quicker and easier, they will also have additional support for digital issues. You should take ID with you as they will need to know who is collecting the tickets.

CPISA raised the issue of having charging points around the ground some time ago. There are issues with implementing this, however, the information point does have spare chargers and if someone's phone dies before getting into the ground they will do a quick charge for you to help you get in. (we know that in the past there has been a plug socket in the Stanley Stephenson to charge a phone so assume this might be possible in at least some of the other bars. You can also charge phones on the trains these days.

We raised a number of individual cases. One of these has already been granted a plastic ticket and the club will be contacting the rest to discuss their applications. They have said they will work with people and they don’t want anyone to be excluded by digital agenda as they realise this impacts vulnerable fans the most.
That may not mean issuing plastic cards but may mean other solutions and support. If you unsuccessfully applied for a plastic card and think that the decision was unfair or made on flawed information, (eg club saying you had digital away tickets if you didn't) the process is to get in touch with Palace customer services and explain why you think the decision isn't right. Even if you don't get a plastic card there are other things the club can do to help.

For those people who have mentioned giving up their season tickets we would strongly recommend supporters think carefully before doing this. There is a waiting list for season tickets so you won’t be able to get it back once you relinquish it and when you do eventually reach the top of the waiting list, you may not be able to get a seat back with people you've probably known for many years. If you’re cancelling over digital issues it’s worth speaking to the club before you actually go ahead to see whether they can help you.

On a more positive note the intention this coming season is for the club to use the NFC (digital tickets) to send randomly selected fans (eg the 6,000th person through the turnstiles) additional benefits/goodies/freebies such as shirts, food and beverages etc.
Thanks Pierre for keeping us informed. Those of us who are oldies have been blessed with the cheaper prices (and in our younger days just turning up on the day and deciding which stand we wanted to watch the game from). Younger supporters look like they're going to be challenged by the finances as teh clubs become greedier and greedier. "Killing the goose that lays the golden egg" comes to mind.
Thanks Pierre for the info.

IMHO if there's one thing the club could do to improve all of this, it's to get the box office/memberships/disabilities team better organised and/or staffed, as one of the biggest frustrations as I see it, seems to be the lack of communication and the ability to talk to someone easily who can actually help with the issue.

No small task, but one that's needed sorted for decades!
Intrusive searches at the Brentford match

A number of fans have raised how excessive and intrusive some of the pre match searches were at the Brentford game. CPISA have spoken to the club about this and in the first instance they have asked Palace supporters to please complain direct to Brentford FC. You can do this by email at report@brentfordfc.com. In the meantime the club have agreed to take this up with Brentford FC direct and feedback to us but the more complaints we send to Brentford the better.

If you could copy us into the email you send info@cpisa.co.uk it will help us to monitor numbers and work with Palace and other bodies so we don't have this at future matches. We will be also able to get back to you individually and update you with what’s happening.
Palace Programme voucher Booklet-The club have run out out of vouchers before the first home match! No communication from the club, we just found out from supporters wishing to buy them.

We have spoken to Nikki Gibbons at the club and they estimated number based on how many they sold when they had vouchers previously. Don't know how many they got to start with but they have sold them all.
they can be bought via a book of vouchers you use via the programme sellers around the ground for the forthcoming season at £56.50 a saving on buying them at £3.50 each from the club shop.
Once again CPISA taking fans issues to the club and achieving results. Why not join us at www.cpisa.co.uk
If there is sufficient interest the club will order more.
Anyone who is looking to take advantage of the offer but has missed out could you please email us info@cpisa.co.uk. If we can get enough people interested then I can work with the club to order more but we’d need to be able to refer around 30 people as they buy in batches of 30.
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Thanks Pierre for the info.

IMHO if there's one thing the club could do to improve all of this, it's to get the box office/memberships/disabilities team better organised and/or staffed, as one of the biggest frustrations as I see it, seems to be the lack of communication and the ability to talk to someone easily who can actually help with the issue.

No small task, but one that's needed sorted for decades!

I'm still awaiting a call back or email reply from the disabilities dept after 2 weeks to discuss about why I can't have a plastic card as haven't got/can't use a smartphone.

CPISA have discussed my situation with the club but still awaiting them contacting me.

It has caused me a fortnight of stress and with the first home game a few days away i'm so worried that I might turn up and they won't print a ticket off for me.

It's disgusting how I've been treated!!
Hi Pierre,

First of all thank you to yourself and your colleagues for the work you do in representing the fans.

I have an issue that, if possible, I would like to have addressed.

I opted out of having season ticket funds returned to me after the Covid outbreak. Instead I agreed for those funds to be used towards the Academy development. The Club stated that in return those contributing would receive an invitation to tour the Academy and their names would be put on bricks on a ' founders wall '.

My partner, my son and my daughter also did this. Three of us received an acknowledgement from the Club and a ' founder members ' badge ( my daughter didn't ! ), but all this time later no further communication from Palace. Pretty shoddy I think.
Hi Pierre,

First of all thank you to yourself and your colleagues for the work you do in representing the fans.

I have an issue that, if possible, I would like to have addressed.

I opted out of having season ticket funds returned to me after the Covid outbreak. Instead I agreed for those funds to be used towards the Academy development. The Club stated that in return those contributing would receive an invitation to tour the Academy and their names would be put on bricks on a ' founders wall '.

My partner, my son and my daughter also did this. Three of us received an acknowledgement from the Club and a ' founder members ' badge ( my daughter didn't ! ), but all this time later no further communication from Palace. Pretty shoddy I think.
I have sent you a pm on this. We have a meeting with the club shortly and will ask them to look into this matter and report back to you.
I have sent you a pm on this. We have a meeting with the club shortly and will ask them to look into this matter and report back to you.
Hi Pierre,
I'm in the same situation. I did wonder whether the club were going to wait until everything had been completed before inviting us. Has everything been completed or is there still a work in progress?
I'm still awaiting a call back or email reply from the disabilities dept after 2 weeks to discuss about why I can't have a plastic card as haven't got/can't use a smartphone.

CPISA have discussed my situation with the club but still awaiting them contacting me.

It has caused me a fortnight of stress and with the first home game a few days away i'm so worried that I might turn up and they won't print a ticket off for me.

It's disgusting how I've been treated!!

I'm happy to report that I received a call from the club today and I am going to get a card and I'm very happy!!

Thank you to CPISA for helping me with my case.
Hi Pierre,
I'm in the same situation. I did wonder whether the club were going to wait until everything had been completed before inviting us. Has everything been completed or is there still a work in progress?
There is still some work going on at the Academy. However not sure whether it's impacting the clubs ability to organise visits. So will ask at our next meeting.
Like others, I thank you for the work you're doing on our behalf.

You've probably heard many stories like mine. I first watched Palace in 1954, I'm 81, and I walk (slowly) with a stick. My partner has had a mild stroke, affecting one side of her body, as a result of which she walks at the speed of a tortoise. Neither of us has ever had a smartphone and never will. We managed to get cards for this season, but that decision was presumably taken before the club announced that the default position for next season would be digital only. We're reconciled to this being our last season, but I'm still hoping that the club will adopt a more flexible attitude. After all, we cut-price old duffers aren't going to be around for much longer!
As an aside, I was in the Box Office yesterday to purchase my Norwich ticket. Of the five other people there four were having trouble with electronic tickets or getting plastic cards. I know the issue is to make sure the known purchaser uses the ticket to prevent touts and away supporters infiltrating home stands. However, Rule 6.2 puts the onus on clubs to have a number of methods to maximise stadium access. I for one would not be averse to having my photo on the card after all it’s on my Freedom Pass, Passport, Driving License etc. Another method could be facial recognition which we use at airports. Easily done as we all come to Selhurst anyway.
Like others, I thank you for the work you're doing on our behalf.

You've probably heard many stories like mine. I first watched Palace in 1954, I'm 81, and I walk (slowly) with a stick. My partner has had a mild stroke, affecting one side of her body, as a result of which she walks at the speed of a tortoise. Neither of us has ever had a smartphone and never will. We managed to get cards for this season, but that decision was presumably taken before the club announced that the default position for next season would be digital only. We're reconciled to this being our last season, but I'm still hoping that the club will adopt a more flexible attitude. After all, we cut-price old duffers aren't going to be around for much longer!
I wouldn't bet on this being the last season for you both. Being digital isn't the one and only criteria for owning a season ticket going forwards. You and others might be not as young as you once were, but we will try and make sure you can continue to watch others do that on the pitch going forwards.
As an aside, I was in the Box Office yesterday to purchase my Norwich ticket. Of the five other people there four were having trouble with electronic tickets or getting plastic cards. I know the issue is to make sure the known purchaser uses the ticket to prevent touts and away supporters infiltrating home stands. However, Rule 6.2 puts the onus on clubs to have a number of methods to maximise stadium access. I for one would not be averse to having my photo on the card after all it’s on my Freedom Pass, Passport, Driving License etc. Another method could be facial recognition which we use at airports. Easily done as we all come to Selhurst anyway.
That is exactly what happens at Liverpool FC. They have photo cards for there plastic season ticket cards. Their application forms are very visible on the website, criteria is clear and you need to take ID and evidence if required with you to the ticket office in order to obtain one. I am bringing this up at our meeting as it would be a better way forward for CPFC for season 25-26.
Everton Away Saturday 28th September 15.00-CPISA have asked the club to make this a 'Palace Away Day' and provide free coach travel for all supporters.
As it's their last season at Goodison Park before the take possession of the new 52,888 stadium at Bramley Moore Dock. We will know more about the decision at our meeting with the club next week.
Everton Away Saturday 28th September 15.00-CPISA have asked the club to make this a 'Palace Away Day' and provide free coach travel for all supporters.
As it's their last season at Goodison Park before the take possession of the new 52,888 stadium at Bramley Moore Dock. We will know more about the decision at our meeting with the club next week.
The club have said today that they have taken up the full allocation of tickets for the Everton away match on Sat 28th September however they will not be providing free coach travel. This is due to the very high cost of quotations they received from coach companies.