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Naming the new stand.


New member
Following a pub conversation with my dad today, if this new main stand actually gets built I would love to know which player if any it would be named after. My own suggestion was ‘The Geoff Thomas stand.’ Apologies if this has already been discussed.
Parrish likes his branding, remember the badge fiasco? I think Ian Wright has kyboshed Jim Cannon's chances, the stand-out for me would be Steve Coppell but I somehow can't see that happening. Parrish will get a sponsor and I think the sponsor's name will be a prefix to a name which has a ring of authenticity and traditionalism that will be attention grabbing, trying to create as much interest as possible. Maybe the Joseph Paxton Stand, or something to do with crystal or glazing, maybe the 1861 stand, something which conjures up our uniqueness which has a bit of dazzle to seduce potential support as far and wide as possible. And it wouldn't surprise me if Parrish put out a shortlist for members to vote on like the badge. As for the sponsor I do hope it's Tesco or Morrisons to upset those gits squatting in the Whitehorse Lane End. Aldi or Lidl would be too low class. The Tesco 1861 Stand, how does that sound? Pretty awful, but that's the general way I think the naming of the stand will go.
I'd like The Great Exhibition Stand (after all, that's the origin of the Crystal Palace) but they'll probably name it The Car Park Stand or The New Old Stand or something ridiculous.
The Glaziers Stand would be a salute to our past though.

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