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The Politics of 'Climate-change'

Some deny it completely.

That the precise outcome cannot be accurately predicted is completely obvious. It will be impacted by a variety of events as yet unknown, not least how much it is mitigated by our efforts to reduce it. It will also vary from continent to continent. That’s why a range of possibilities are always stated.

It won’t though be “negligible” unless we do something really remarkable and that seems impossible. Non of the estimates that I have seen put the minimum impact as negligible. There is enough already in the system to deny that as an outcome.
If individuals can't do anything to affect the outcome what difference does it makes if they "deny" it or not?
If individuals can't do anything to affect the outcome what difference does it makes if they "deny" it or not?
Very little as individuals but the more deniers there are the less motivated willing participants there are in the task of defeating it. So debunking the bs is going to have to be a constant as we go forward.
Politicians take these decisions for us don't they?
They do, but we have to implement them and we also have to choose our politicians.

If, heaven help us, we had a political party full of climate change sceptics throwing out populist promises and propaganda, similar to the current situation in the USA, we might find ourselves being lumbered with them because of the willingness of a tired electorate to believe bs.
They do, but we have to implement them and we also have to choose our politicians.

If, heaven help us, we had a political party full of climate change sceptics throwing out populist promises and propaganda, similar to the current situation in the USA, we might find ourselves being lumbered with them because of the willingness of a tired electorate to believe bs.
Or perhaps the electorate, while 100 % believing in it, think there are other more pressing priorities and vote accordingly.
Or perhaps the electorate, while 100 % believing in it, think there are other more pressing priorities and vote accordingly.
Which is why they must be convinced otherwise through constant discussion and evidence.

I would prefer it be taken out of the political area. This is far too big for political bun fights. It’s as important an issue as my parent’s generation faced in 1939. Possibly even bigger.

We had a national government then. That’s unlikely now but we could establish a national strategy which would be agreed and underwritten by all of the major parties.
Which is why they must be convinced otherwise through constant discussion and evidence.

I would prefer it be taken out of the political area. This is far too big for political bun fights. It’s as important an issue as my parent’s generation faced in 1939. Possibly even bigger.

We had a national government then. That’s unlikely now but we could establish a national strategy which would be agreed and underwritten by all of the major parties.
Convincing 2 bn in China and India might be more problematic. Our 1% contribution is unlikely to be much of a motivator.
Which is why they must be convinced otherwise through constant discussion and evidence.

I would prefer it be taken out of the political area. This is far too big for political bun fights. It’s as important an issue as my parent’s generation faced in 1939. Possibly even bigger.

We had a national government then. That’s unlikely now but we could establish a national strategy which would be agreed and underwritten by all of the major parties.
Political bun fights, out of politics.
That’s weird when politics determines everything else in our lives, including the taxes to pay for the net zero bs.
Political bun fights, out of politics.
That’s weird when politics determines everything else in our lives, including the taxes to pay for the net zero bs.
Not when it poses an existential threat.

Unless you don’t care that your absence of realism and willingness to accept the need for concerted action risks us being one of the last generations of our species, then dealing with this extraordinary situation in extraordinary ways is essential.
Not when it poses an existential threat.

Unless you don’t care that your absence of realism and willingness to accept the need for concerted action risks us being one of the last generations of our species, then dealing with this extraordinary situation in extraordinary ways is essential.
And what if you don't care? As long as nobody actually goes against the policies why not leave them alone?
We're all stuffed. Politics and selfishness has ruined our species, and although we classify ourselves as sentient beings, we've behaved no better (or worse) than a blob of bacterial spores on a bit of cheese. We are likely to be the last generation that sees an increase in the standard of living. And standards are already dipping.

It's all a matter of how we decide to go. Through warfare, climate change , or just a gradual slump into the Dark Ages , finally wiped out by a Plague.

Personally, I'm saving for a fortnight in Amsterdam. What a way to go.
We're all stuffed. Politics and selfishness has ruined our species, and although we classify ourselves as sentient beings, we've behaved no better (or worse) than a blob of bacterial spores on a bit of cheese. We are likely to be the last generation that sees an increase in the standard of living. And standards are already dipping.

It's all a matter of how we decide to go. Through warfare, climate change , or just a gradual slump into the Dark Ages , finally wiped out by a Plague.

Personally, I'm saving for a fortnight in Amsterdam. What a way to go.
Fair play to you. A fortnight would probably kill me though so I'd have to do two separate weeks.
Not for the first time he is talking complete bs. Assertion without a shred of evidence. Within the genuine scientific community that truly understands the subject, there is an overwhelming consensus. We should ignore those with qualifications in other disciplines! Including Tice who has an opinion on everything and knowledge on nothing.
Not for the first time he is talking complete bs. Assertion without a shred of evidence. Within the genuine scientific community that truly understands the subject, there is an overwhelming consensus. We should ignore those with qualifications in other disciplines! Including Tice who has an opinion on everything and knowledge on nothing.
So anyone in the scientific community who dispute it don’t understand it.
What twaddle you come out with.
I don’t understand a lot about electric boilers but I still know about the heating systems they connect to.
Scientists tend to align themselves with their paymasters. Not a very scientific way to do things, but we all have bills to pay.
And guess what. ? people lie. And they'll lie a lot for money.
Scientists rarely get funding to tell the truth.
Cooperation is much more effective than coercion. Our Covid experience demonstrated that.

We need everyone behind it and pulling in the same direction.
No we don't. We need scientists to come up with a solution and politicians to back those solutions. The rest of us can't do anything. If buying an electric car makes you feel you're doing your bit then go for it despite the fact that 60% of the power needed to run comes from fossil fuels.
So anyone in the scientific community who dispute it don’t understand it.
What twaddle you come out with.
I don’t understand a lot about electric boilers but I still know about the heating systems they connect to.
Your first line is almost certainly true. This is a highly technical and specialised area. The way the data is collected and interpreted requires specialist knowledge and experience. Unless you are actually involved there is little to no chance of being able to understand it.

Understanding the conclusions is a different matter. They are fairly straightforward. Which is confirmed by your last line. You wouldn’t argue that an electric boiler heats water! Some though want to argue that man made climate change isn’t heating the world.

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