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What book are you currently reading?

I'm in Majorca by the pool with a cold beer and I'm reading 'The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare' by Damien Lewis. It's an extraordinary tale.
Living the Beatles Legend by Kenneth Womack. Biography of Mal Evans. In the early days he used to drive all their equipment around in a Commer van.
Act of Oblivion by Robert Harris. It's about the hunt for signatories to Charles 1st's death warrant.
I've enjoyed it, and it made me want to know more about the civil war.
The Wild Men. About the first Labour minority government in 1924. Left wing MPs trying to drag them further left, the press branding them as communist sympathisers, reality impeding on some of their policies. Managed to get a good deal done considering they were in power for less than a year. Prime Minister, Ramsey MacDonald getting on very well with King George V who said MacDonald was his favourite prime minister.
Act of Oblivion by Robert Harris. It's about the hunt for signatories to Charles 1st's death warrant.
I've enjoyed it, and it made me want to know more about the civil war.
There is a very good book by Charles Spencer on the same subject, Killers of the King.
Re-reading "Officers and Gentlemen", the second volume in Evelyn Waugh's "Sword of Honour" trilogy. A midlly satirical and at times very funny account of the British army in WW2.
Act of Oblivion by Robert Harris. It's about the hunt for signatories to Charles 1st's death warrant.
I've enjoyed it, and it made me want to know more about the civil war.
Try The Second Sleep by Harris. Well written with a surprising plot line.

I'm currently working my way through Watchmen by Alan Moore. Extraordinary.