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UFO Disclosure Imminent?


For all those interested in the subject, an interview with a new whistleblower is being released today. This guy apparantly worked within the crash retrieval programme and has video evidence of the retrieval of an egg shaped object which is also going to be shown:

I've also heard that Trump is going to say something about the subject after his inauguration. Are we about to get some form of disclosure?
They do gradually seem to be releasing more military videos and saying a bit more. I've always thought it pretty much impossible there isn't other life in the entire universe but could never know if it's intelligent or exists in a similar time frame to us.
The whistle blower looks spaced-out of his head. Probably needs interview funds to feed his habit. More LSD, than ET , to me.
The US controls the information on such matters. I don't see them admitting that they have lied for 80 years. Some people only accept things if someone in authority says it's so. Some think the opposite.

I would imagine that any ETs would see us as a curiosity to study. It will never be a handshake on the Whitehouse lawn. Life goes on with or without our little grey friends.
All coming out at a time we going thru a banking update.
this truly all is to do with distracting the masses away from XRP flipping bitcoin and being the swift system replacement.

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