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The last of the few


On the edge of reason
Thank you sir. The word hero does not feel big enough or do justice to your courage and bravery. But you are a Hero.

Rest in peace Sir

Also remembering the sacrifice that so many others made.

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He fought Hitler. Protected all from an invasion of an army of hostile foreign men. Protected King and country from the hordes. Hordes All led by an expansionary teetotaler vegetarian genocidal AntiSemite. A monster with a dodgy relationship with his own niece. A homophobic extremist who marshalled rape-gangs across Europe. A killer of dogs who confiscated & taxed the unchosen, in order to finance free handouts to his inner tribe. An unemployed uneducated psychopath who tried to use eugenics & the womb to re-engineer a new society. A violent cult who strongly disapproved of their own women marrying & dating 'off the reservation'. A violent censor & burner of books, who had journalists & other writers bumped off. Obsessed with correct and incorrect 'images & artwork'. An undemocratic enemy of free speech. A sex-trafficking monster who created an apartheid, a duo-level society where some enjoyed more rights than others. A Socialist monger of War in Eastern Europe. And in his struggle, ultimately deliberately committed suicide.

i wonder if the young Mr Hemingway would have been so self-sacrificing to risk life & limb ? if he had received the wisdom from his older self ? RiP mr Hemingway, Ni bheidh a leithead aris ann, we shall not see his like again

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