This echos what I posted the other day. Big talk from Labour but very little effective action.
Allister Heath
Sunday Telegraph Editor
This must have been the most disingenuous fiscal statement of all time, delivered by one of our worst ever chancellors. Rachel Reeves’s speech was an exercise in make-believe, a painful collection of cliches and distortions, a grotesque attempt at pretending that all is well as the economy careens into the abyss.
The entire premise of her Spring Statement was false. Reeves’s conceit was that the world has changed, and that she is responding by embracing dramatic cuts to welfare and the Civil Service as well as pro-growth policies.
It is fantasy. There is no plan for change. The country remains on auto-pilot. Reeves is only pretending to have shifted course: her language was radical, but her actions trivial. Spending is still rising, including on welfare, as are taxes and red tape. Her Civil Service reductions are unlikely to materialise. Britain’s drift to socialism and middle class pauperisation continues unabated.
Broken Britain is in desperate need of shock therapy, but we were offered only tinkering. Her policy changes were driven by the need to game arbitrary fiscal targets and placate the OBR, rather than any sort of intellectual realisation that her October Budget was a calamity, or that her entire ideological superstructure must be torn down. She remains a Left-wing technocrat, and reality has yet to mug her.
Her supposedly massive cuts are equivalent to a fifth of the spending splurge she originally unveiled in October. This is not even close to the austerity the British state so desperately requires, and welfare spending continues to spiral out of control. Working age health and disability related welfare expenditure is due to rise by £15.4 billion between 2024-25 and 2029-30, an increase that would ordinarily be seen as explosive. Yes, some claimants will be worse off, a point that is being highlighted by the Left, but overall spending on these kinds of benefits is still surging.
This is symptomatic of one of Britain’s most disgraceful national failings: the pathologisation of swathes of the country, the pseudo-medicalisation of many who could and should work, the disgraceful trapping of millions into benefit dependency, ruining their life chances and those of their children.
Poverty, correctly understood, can only truly be defeated by work and a strengthening of the family and civil society, not by transfers. Tories and Labour alike (with some noble exceptions) have found it too politically tough to tackle the epidemic of worklessness and anomie created by our dysfunctional welfare state: it is still easier to import hundreds of thousands of foreign workers.
Britain’s welfare state continues to live beyond its means. Reeves’s restored fiscal head room is a statistical illusion that will not survive contact with reality. Hideous tax rises will almost certainly be necessary, either as early as this winter or next year. The worst is yet to come.