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Political Asylum in Russia?



Thoughts? One of my own predictions has been for an effective 'white-flight' to the East occurring over the next decade or so. Russia has the space, the resources.


Be interesting to see how this one pans out.

Thoughts? One of my own predictions has been for an effective 'white-flight' to the East occurring over the next decade or so. Russia has the space, the resources.


Be interesting to see how this one pans out.
A little but the language barrier won't make it a flood. Deep red states in the US have a lot of potential depending upon what happens long term. If I were looking at white flight in Europe purely as a safe. civilised and very Europe family future for the next twenty years I'd be looking at Iceland.

'American family escapes moral decline in US, seeks asylum, better life in Russia'.​

I can understand that, particularly as the USA is funding and supporting genocide, also inflicting economic sanctions on a third of the world, 95% of UN members oppose them, Russia is a leading BRICS member.

But a better life? Just don't know enough about actually living in Putin's Russia.

Surely anybody being charged for the expression of their political beliefs in Europe can fly to the Middle East, Africa or Asia, flush their passport down the loo in the plane and get housed, fed and some free spending money? As, obviously, they have international obligations from the UN or other treaties.
Even if you're a bit poor surely you can do it too and reasonably expect to get free stuff while lawyers make appeals keeping you there at the expense of that country?
International obligations apparently. The right thing to do.
Russia barely required when the world's your oyster.
imagine if Russia invaded the West of Scotland or Ireland ? Governments would be shocked. And would some of the natives greet the Russians with flowers & champagne ?

certainly in the village of Dundrum, Co Tipperary. A place where newcomer men could outnumber local men by as much as 3:1

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Has anyone here actually been to Russia?

I have. A long time ago and have no plan to ever go back.

that's how i feel about Thornton Heath.


but seriously Wisbech , we could all organize a whip-round to get you started. Even just a few weeks in an ex-Lefty country could work wonders for one's ideological barometer.

People who remember living in the Soviet communist days are often tut tutting when they see the direction Western Europe is now going.
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