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Panorama (BBC) again?

I am no fan of the protagonist by the way.

Not a fan of him either. However, the ugliness of him ( on the Right ) is mirroring an ugliness & incompetence on the Left.

The two sides are feeding support off of each other. The likes of the Manchester Ariane Grande Bombing is feeding support to TR. So we have one flavour of angry marchers on, say, a Monday. And the opposite on the streets on a Tuesday.

The nation is polarising into a hard Left and a hard Right. Can the Centre hold any longer ?
Not a fan of him either. However, the ugliness of him ( on the Right ) is mirroring an ugliness & incompetence on the Left.

The two sides are feeding support off of each other. The likes of the Manchester Ariane Grande Bombing is feeding support to TR. So we have one flavour of angry marchers on, say, a Monday. And the opposite on the streets on a Tuesday.

The nation is polarising into a hard Left and a hard Right. Can the Centre hold any longer ?
I don’t think that’s true. Whilst there are both hard left and hard right elements in society that’s always been true. That they make more noise than in the past also seems true, but only because the opportunity to do so is now available. Whether both are larger is possible but not certain. What is untrue is that the nation is polarising. Most of us are neither. We are either centre left, or centre right. We lean a little but understand the arguments of both.
I don’t think that’s true. Whilst there are both hard left and hard right elements in society that’s always been true. That they make more noise than in the past also seems true, but only because the opportunity to do so is now available. Whether both are larger is possible but not certain. What is untrue is that the nation is polarising. Most of us are neither. We are either centre left, or centre right. We lean a little but understand the arguments of both.
Like 99% of the protesters
Not going to be viewed by anyone left of centre, but this, about John Sweeney, is interesting.

I am no fan of the protagonist by the way.
This just Yaxley-Lennon doing what he always does. Which is wind people up by making wild claims about some kind of overarching conspiracy between government and the media to suppress the truth. Especially if it conflicts with his prejudices.

His attack on “Hope not Hate” is especially revealing. Trying to present them as some kind of “leftist” organisation is typical of him. It’s pure deflection. Whatever the personal politics of those who work for it might be its focus is not on promoting them. Its focus is exposing racist and fascist ideology. That its work is taken up and referenced by others is a compliment to the thoroughness of that, not a condemnation.
Unfortunately, I don't think John Sweeney's career is finished. He is very much part of a corrupt establishment. "fact checking" by one of the best reputed investigative teams (Panorama) simply doesn't exist.
to the point where even the head of their fact checking department used a fraudulent CV to get her job.

I have no opinion on JYL/TR. But , for me, this has just totally discredited every aspect of professional journalism i thought was part of the BBC establishment.

I really liked Laura Kuenssberg as a political interviewer. i know she gave Boris Johnson a real grilling around election time. And her carer nose-dived.
I wonder why ?
Unfortunately, I don't think John Sweeney's career is finished. He is very much part of a corrupt establishment. "fact checking" by one of the best reputed investigative teams (Panorama) simply doesn't exist.
to the point where even the head of their fact checking department used a fraudulent CV to get her job.

I have no opinion on JYL/TR. But , for me, this has just totally discredited every aspect of professional journalism i thought was part of the BBC establishment.

I really liked Laura Kuenssberg as a political interviewer. i know she gave Boris Johnson a real grilling around election time. And her carer nose-dived.
I wonder why ?
you do know she's a mate of Boris and his wife. The 'real grilling' lasting for a few questions and was pretty pathetic really. She heads her own politics programme on BBC1 so hardly a lose dive.
When she was head of politics for BBC she got accused of often retweeting Tory daily tweets without any challenge or context.
And you mention professional journalism!!!
This just Yaxley-Lennon doing what he always does. Which is wind people up by making wild claims about some kind of overarching conspiracy between government and the media to suppress the truth. Especially if it conflicts with his prejudices.

His attack on “Hope not Hate” is especially revealing. Trying to present them as some kind of “leftist” organisation is typical of him. It’s pure deflection. Whatever the personal politics of those who work for it might be its focus is not on promoting them. Its focus is exposing racist and fascist ideology. That its work is taken up and referenced by others is a compliment to the thoroughness of that, not a condemnation.
Nick Lowles of Hope Not Hate sent out disinformation on X-twitter saying the far right or whoever it was had thrown acid into a Muslim woman’s face from a car window. The police constabulary for the area in question confirmed that nothing had been reported. He still hasn’t been charged for incitement.
Nick Lowles of Hope Not Hate sent out disinformation on X-twitter saying the far right or whoever it was had thrown acid into a Muslim woman’s face from a car window. The police constabulary for the area in question confirmed that nothing had been reported. He still hasn’t been charged for incitement.
A few years ago it was widely reported in Ireland (think it even made international news) that a mosque had come under attack in Galway. Racism was immediately blamed.

Turned out it was the other mosque in Galway that attacked that mosque - due to their different type of Islam. A correction was never published by anyone. The only one that may have mentioned it was Gript.
Nick Lowles of Hope Not Hate sent out disinformation on X-twitter saying the far right or whoever it was had thrown acid into a Muslim woman’s face from a car window. The police constabulary for the area in question confirmed that nothing had been reported. He still hasn’t been charged for incitement.
That’s already been dealt with in another thread.

He didn’t send out misinformation! He reported in good faith what he had read elsewhere. As soon as the Police confirmed that the report was untrue he published a correction. In fact the Police only said it had not been reported. Not that it didn’t happen.

He hasn’t been charged because there isn’t anything he could be charged for! He didn’t incite anyone to do anything. He didn’t even suggest what he had heard was true. He just reported on a rumour that was circulating.
This just Yaxley-Lennon doing what he always does. Which is wind people up by making wild claims about some kind of overarching conspiracy between government and the media to suppress the truth. Especially if it conflicts with his prejudices.

His attack on “Hope not Hate” is especially revealing. Trying to present them as some kind of “leftist” organisation is typical of him. It’s pure deflection. Whatever the personal politics of those who work for it might be its focus is not on promoting them. Its focus is exposing racist and fascist ideology. That its work is taken up and referenced by others is a compliment to the thoroughness of that, not a condemnation.
I very much doubt a sucker like you even opened the link here. This is actual footage of Sweeney, unlike the imaginary footage you said you had seen of Lady Susan Hussey being racist.

Regardless, do you think it is acceptable for a panorama (BBC) presenter to have Martin McGuiness as his political hero, and be plying drinks on a female (at license payers expense) in order to obtain a story?