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More blood on Merkel's hands


Hong Kong
Hong Kong

Germans must be reaching breaking point, as in the UK they seem unable to deport
illegals even when court orders so
Germans must be reaching breaking point

back in 1940 what was wreaking havoc for them ? a tee-totaler, who didn't eat pork, who was virulently violently antiSemitic & homophobic, who had a dubious relationship with his own niece, an anti-intellectual who burned books, and who had zero tolerance for anybody who didnt think the same as himself, a fella involved in people-trafficking and rape gangs, a fella who even killed dogs on purpose.

for shame.
It was a kitchen knife so not amazons fault. Note to 2TK stop being a stupid c***.
He would be less culpable if he were stupid.

He is only the face that fronts a lot of people who hold indirect responsibility for this and many other attacks.
getting back to the OP. You could only deliberately open the borders, to military-aged men, if you absolutely hated your own nation. Merkel is under the spotlight, but she is not thick nor naive. She knew exactly what she was doing. Her and her ilk in all the Western nations.
Open the floodgates and then sit back and giggle at the chaos that ensues.

This might genuinely be the final straw for Germans. Bavaria is consistently Catholic and conservative.
This is how you end up with a far right government.
Careful about judging him. Mental health issues, being treated poorly by German Authorities and anything else that puts the blame elsewhere. I’m sure some on here will criticise posters for mentioning this
It does take much to be "far right" these days.
True, but labels aren't as important as intentions.

We need action, not rhetoric. Stalin would be proud of the self harm European governments have done to their own people. There has to be pushback.

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