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Looking to sell my two long-term season tickets for the Main Stand


New member
Hi there,
I have two seats Glaziers Lounge D row 19 seats 83 & 84 from the 2004/5 Ambassador season ticket issue. My wife and my circumstances have changes and we have not attended a home match since lock-down. Although many of the Ambassador benefits were lost when Parish & co acquired our club a major benefit survives - a 24 hour window ahead of away ticket sales and enough points to always get one ticket each for away games. The only times we have been to games since 2020 has been away to Bournemouth and Seaweed most seasons.

I think I should sell them to someone who will get the benefit of them and the new stand when it is built as existing season ticket holders have been told they will have a choice of seats in the re-built main stand when completed. The seats are on a row end, chosen so that you don't disturb others leaving or arriving.

I have asked the Box Office to confirm the procedure for permanent transfer to others - as they did not reply to my offer of selling the tickets back to the club for resale. I await their confirmation of the process and expiry date of the season tickets. My calculations is that they expire at the end of the 2031/32 season, so the rest of this season and seven more - surely the Main Stand will be ready by then!

Currently these seats are £705 each. I don't want to be accused of profiteering, as that is not my intention, so I am looking at a price in the region of 50% of the current value. Please PM me if interested and to discuss price. I will try to answer any questions posed - but excuse any slow replies as I am usually pretty busy during the daytime.
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