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south pole
.....or Samhain as it was originally called. ( Samhain pronounced 'sow-win'.....Donald Pleasence made a hash of it in the Halloween movie. But the Yank audience wouldnt have noticed ).

What are your Favourite Horror movies. And any other reflections or observations on the silliness of the whole event.

It’s all bollocks, I hate it, when I was a kid you hardly noticed it, but thanks to the Americans everyone goes silly now.
It used to be just scary stuff as well, as in ghosts, ghouls, witches and things that go bump in the night etc but somehow all the slasher gory horror films have been brought into it, you see dickheads roaming the streets covered in fake blood and with a stupid floppy rubber axe attached to their heads!
Parents dragging their kids round the streets in the pitch black and freezing cold when all they want to do is be at home in the warm, they should be reported to childline
.....or Samhain as it was originally called. ( Samhain pronounced 'sow-win'.....Donald Pleasence made a hash of it in the Halloween movie. But the Yank audience wouldnt have noticed ).

What are your Favourite Horror movies. And any other reflections or observations on the silliness of the whole event.

Not even sure if this is a horror movie, but The Wicker Man always terrified me because of how plausible it might be somewhere so remote.
.....or Samhain as it was originally called. ( Samhain pronounced 'sow-win'.....Donald Pleasence made a hash of it in the Halloween movie. But the Yank audience wouldnt have noticed ).

What are your Favourite Horror movies. And any other reflections or observations on the silliness of the whole event.

I enjoyed ' long legs ' earlier this year.
also this year ' immaculate ' & apartment 7A (rosemarys baby prequel)
It follows is pretty good also and never get tired of watching The wicker man.
Devil rides out is dated good fun with a great cast.
It's for kids. My grandchildren enjoy it.

Grown ups get to dress up too, which we all know many secretly enjoy.
The Babadook is a good horror movie.

What others ?
The Ring.
Exorcist 3
And especially for Halloween, Halloween III Season Of The Witch. Daft and enjoyable.