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Germany terror attack


The garden of England
So this guy alledged to have stabbed multiple people with at least 3 dead has handed himself in. That wasn’t because he felt guilty; I would say he was advised to by the immigrants in the asylum centre he lived in who could well know how tough this could get for them.
And if there is a backlash then I suspect the people daring to go on the streets will be arrested and their lives destroyed in the process.

This was at a festival to 'celebrate' diversity. This is what diversity looks like. This is what our Governments promote. This is the aim.

So what if a few people get killed in the process? A small price to pay for the cultural enrichment Europe is currently having foisted on it. In fact, really when you really, really think about it, rather than just having a reactionary impulse, this is proof that a society like Germany is willing to accept literally ANYBODY into their country now rather than being over fussed about trifling little matters such as public safety.

Lets hope the AfD are soon outlawed. And lets hope we don't hear anything on the British media about anything they have to say on the matter. And never forget that here in the UK we are currently letting a whole host of common or garden criminals out of prison early to free up much needed space for ANYBODY who dares express an opinion of anything other than 'Vielfalt ist unsere Stärke'.

(RIP to those who were inadvertently in the way of this clearly troubled and no doubt mentally ill member of IS and his knife - Fingers crossed I get away with posting that).
Terror attack in front of the Israeli Embassy in Munich, Germany.

Heavy gunfire could be heard this morning (anniversary of the 1972 Munich Massacre in which Palestinian terrorists murdered 11 Israelis).

The attacker has been killed

Big things are indeed happening in Germany. They are learning some hard lessons…

Indeed. The wheels are starting to turn. To be fair, the notion Schengen has been on some dodgy ground for a while now with literal border skirmishes between Italian and French border police occurring for a while along with closures/securing of traditionally open borders in Scandinavian countries as well.

What makes me smile at the moment though, and its getting almost zero coverage, is Orban in Hungary. They are shoving illegals onto coaches and paying for them to go to Brussels. LOL.

Interesting times.