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Formerly Valuable. Now financially worthless

south pole
Either a year ago, or a thousand years ago....something valuable.

- Sheep's Wool , the powerhouse of the economy for Richard the Lionheart.
- Second hand furniture

- A house in Sunderland, 100 years ago.
- A Liberal-Arts degree

- Flowers : Dutch Tulip Bulbs in the 1600's. Some investors are still waiting for their portfolio to regain its former value.

- A 2006 luxury BMW, Audi, etc SUV or People Carrier. 3.0 Litre. They were Taxed off the roads in Ireland after 2007 - environmental mentalists - 1,500 Euros road-tax per year. Vehicles Went from 70k to worth scrap in the parts market. Almost overnight. All got exported off to Africa. EU rules and all that.

- Messi/Ronaldo as players.
- An investment portfolio with Bernie Madoff.

- Real Estate in Kiev. Sadly.
- A merchant's cottage & business-stall in Troy, Hattusa, or Italica, near Seville.

What others ?
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Royal memorabilia. Mind you I'm not sure it was ever that valuable, but its certainly dead in the water now.
For E2R anything up to her Silver Jubilee was probably worthwhile for collectors. After that, most of the British manufacturers went out of business and Chinese made $hit took over.
The 3,500 year old vase knocked off it's display and shattered by a 4 yr old boy in an Israeli museum.
The 3,500 year old vase knocked off it's display and shattered by a 4 yr old boy in an Israeli museum.

Financially worthless ? the future career prospects of whoever was the museum curator. Allowing toddlers interact with fragile artifacts. Duh !!!!!!

And another..........

Paperback phrasebooks
