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Dark Energy

in a hidey-hole
Formerly known as Dark Matter (energy and matter being the same thing, in scientific terms) , this is not referencing your toilet bowl after St. Patrick's Day celebrations.
This is to do with life, the universe, and everything.
"Although we don't know what Dark Energy is - it is one of the greatest mysteries in science - astronomers can measure it and whether it is changing by observing the acceleration of galaxies away from each other at different points in the history of the Universe."

Part of me has a genuine interest. I love finding out new things.
However, in this instance, I am really rather sceptical. This seems exciting with the headlines, but actually there is nothing new in the text. This smells of Scientists running out of funding, so doing a publicity drive to get some more money. Essentially they've been sitting on their backsides for a few years, watching numbers fly by from their expensive computers, watching pron and bidding on Ebay, and now they have to justify what they've been doing. To use their own language, it seems their project is a vacuous black hole for money. Any Takers ?

Perhaps time for scientists to find other jobs, shelf-stacking in Supermarkets or fruit picking
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There’s a mind bending German series on Netflix called ‘Dark’ which is very good. Complicated as hell, but I’ve watched it twice now in German with subtitles so it made me concentrate 😁
Formerly known as Dark Matter (energy and matter being the same thing, in scientific terms) , this is not referencing your toilet bowl after St. Patrick's Day celebrations.
This is to do with life, the universe, and everything.
"Although we don't know what Dark Energy is - it is one of the greatest mysteries in science - astronomers can measure it and whether it is changing by observing the acceleration of galaxies away from each other at different points in the history of the Universe."

Part of me has a genuine interest. I love finding out new things.
However, in this instance, I am really rather sceptical. This seems exciting with the headlines, but actually there is nothing new in the text. This smells of Scientists running out of funding, so doing a publicity drive to get some more money. Essentially they've been sitting on their backsides for a few years, watching numbers fly by from their expensive computers, watching pron and bidding on Ebay, and now they have to justify what they've been doing. To use their own language, it seems their project is a vacuous black hole for money. Any Takers ?
I heard some recent research which now suggests that dark matter doesn't exist. I can't remember the exact theory but there you go.
Formerly known as Dark Matter (energy and matter being the same thing, in scientific terms) , this is not referencing your toilet bowl after St. Patrick's Day celebrations.
This is to do with life, the universe, and everything.
"Although we don't know what Dark Energy is - it is one of the greatest mysteries in science - astronomers can measure it and whether it is changing by observing the acceleration of galaxies away from each other at different points in the history of the Universe."

Part of me has a genuine interest. I love finding out new things.
However, in this instance, I am really rather sceptical. This seems exciting with the headlines, but actually there is nothing new in the text. This smells of Scientists running out of funding, so doing a publicity drive to get some more money. Essentially they've been sitting on their backsides for a few years, watching numbers fly by from their expensive computers, watching pron and bidding on Ebay, and now they have to justify what they've been doing. To use their own language, it seems their project is a vacuous black hole for money. Any Takers ?

Perhaps time for scientists to find other jobs, shelf-stacking in Supermarkets or fruit picking

We don't even really understand much about energy itself.....other than it's a force, it makes things happen....particles moving faster as temperature increases, the bonding of particles.

It's like it's just code in a script.
Formerly known as Dark Matter (energy and matter being the same thing, in scientific terms) , this is not referencing your toilet bowl after St. Patrick's Day celebrations.
This is to do with life, the universe, and everything.
"Although we don't know what Dark Energy is - it is one of the greatest mysteries in science - astronomers can measure it and whether it is changing by observing the acceleration of galaxies away from each other at different points in the history of the Universe."

Part of me has a genuine interest. I love finding out new things.
However, in this instance, I am really rather sceptical. This seems exciting with the headlines, but actually there is nothing new in the text. This smells of Scientists running out of funding, so doing a publicity drive to get some more money. Essentially they've been sitting on their backsides for a few years, watching numbers fly by from their expensive computers, watching pron and bidding on Ebay, and now they have to justify what they've been doing. To use their own language, it seems their project is a vacuous black hole for money. Any Takers ?

Perhaps time for scientists to find other jobs, shelf-stacking in Supermarkets or fruit picking
you're right to be sceptical, the answer is 42. The universe is not expanding the way it's been predicted to so they simply came up with dark matter/energy to fill the gap. The salient point is that for their calcaulations to be correct there has to be 25 times more dark matter than the matter we can perceive, in other words we only perceive 4% of what actually exists, so any ultimate claims are bogus and worthless. Scientists are generally much, much better at telling you what they know than what they don't know, and what they don't know is usually much more significant and interesting.
I'm interested in Timescape theory, because if that turns out to be correct then that changes pretty much everything.
I'm interested in Timescape theory, because if that turns out to be correct then that changes pretty much everything.
If you are watching any of the Covid Inquiry, then you will see how past events have been re-written in order to evade accountability.

I see People who went to Public School are very good at telling lies, and are very well paid for it. Scientists only tell lies for money.
If you are watching any of the Covid Inquiry, then you will see how past events have been re-written in order to evade accountability.

I see People who went to Public School are very good at telling lies, and are very well paid for it. Scientists only tell lies for money.
Yep, that Sabine Hossenfelder has been making this point for a long time.....we have seen it from whistle blowers elsewhere as well. Academia is full of people towing the line just for the money adjusting to whatever is expected from them for that funding.....just as you would suspect.

Yep, that Sabine Hossenfelder has been making this point for a long time.....we have seen it from whistle blowers elsewhere as well. Academia is full of people towing the line just for the money adjusting to whatever is expected from them for that funding.....just as you would suspect.

If you're in academia it's almost impossible to actually speak out. I did repeatedly - so although more qualified and productive than my peers, I was abruptly asked to leave. Luckily I didn't miss it as it's more networking and asskissing than any real research and what's the point in constantly having to do woe is me gender or race studies? We get the point - stop lecturing us with the same crap and come up with some real research for a change. How science even contains this (even maths) is quite hilarious. can hardly be described as empirical.
I started some joke pieces in my field about this but, even better, found that others would take it seriously.
I wrote a piece about how we should no longer gender human remains - as a laugh. As obviously, we don't know what people in the past identified as but, believe you me, people took that idea and ran with it. No joke.
Are any facets of science trustworthy any more ? Pharmaceutical companies abandoned Due Diligence and Best Practice for the testing of Covid Vaccines and the lure of huge amounts of money.
Scientists, as alluded to in ASCPFC's post, will say any old crap to get the funding. And if they break-rank to tell some truths, they get de-funded for life.

I keep falling off my push-bike on the way back from the pub at night. I'm thinking because it is dark, that dark matter must be exerting an undue influence on my bicycle, pulling it (and me) into the mud. I definitely need some funding to do more investigation into this.
there was a shocking stat from 2012 or 13 which revealed that 90%, yes 90%, of formal experiments were not repeatable, it was 50% for neuroscience, so the scientists are manufacturing the answers their funders want. It's referred to as the credibility crisis.
They can hide behind phrases , such as :
Group think
Following the data (if there is any data)
Let science decide

I'm glad I'm not the only one extremely sceptical of modern academia.
Formerly known as Dark Matter (energy and matter being the same thing, in scientific terms) , this is not referencing your toilet bowl after St. Patrick's Day celebrations.
This is to do with life, the universe, and everything.
"Although we don't know what Dark Energy is - it is one of the greatest mysteries in science - astronomers can measure it and whether it is changing by observing the acceleration of galaxies away from each other at different points in the history of the Universe."

Part of me has a genuine interest. I love finding out new things.
However, in this instance, I am really rather sceptical. This seems exciting with the headlines, but actually there is nothing new in the text. This smells of Scientists running out of funding, so doing a publicity drive to get some more money. Essentially they've been sitting on their backsides for a few years, watching numbers fly by from their expensive computers, watching pron and bidding on Ebay, and now they have to justify what they've been doing. To use their own language, it seems their project is a vacuous black hole for money. Any Takers ?

Perhaps time for scientists to find other jobs, shelf-stacking in Supermarkets or fruit picking
I only watch the tv channels like how the universe works etc and the scientists just know s*** in reality. They want to know so much but never will.
How do they actually sleep at night 🤔
But what is reality?
Personally I think it's determinism.....the block universe model suggests that to me....though if Timescape is true then maybe all that changes.

Perhaps the universe itself is one large pre-determined wave function....In other words free will is myth and fate is reality....on both small and large scales.

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