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Cara Delevigne

I was watching Good Morning a few years back with this posh girl being interviewed who was this amazingly successful model and actress and she was writing her book because it was her 'duty' and she went to this 'amaaaaazing school' and she was trying to be humble but as the song goes it's hard when you're perfect in every way. Then I saw her fronting some BBC series about sex where she travels the world and interviews people with outrageous clothes and ridiculous multi coloured hair styles. Then I saw her in some big budget sci fi spoof where her acting was beyond atrocious. If nearly anyone had had the breaks, guidance and opportunity she's had they'd have a stack of nobel prizes, several oscars and a couple of world cups. Without being bitter or personal, she is not offensive, but she has no talent and is not even good looking, strange for someone twice voted model of the year!

Why I opine thus is that she has this multi-faceted amazing career path due to one thing only - she is posh. I know there's natural nepotism, but there's also this idea of breeding where the shiny beautiful people are spawned. It's the idea' well she would be wonderful wouldn't she coming from that family'. But she isn't wonderful - she's generally rather crap, but when you look at the wiki link below and see the reference to her bloodline it makes you wonder 1) about how difficult it can be to find opportunity and 2) why would wikipedia devote so much verbiage to her breeding? Answer - it's all she's got going for her. It amazes me how poshness still impresses people, and how the posh maintain their status. Not all of you will know her. Here's the link:

To be fair I saw her in Cabernet last year and she can act and sing in what is a fairly difficult role so there must be something about her.

There are plenty of posho's who have not made it in this world despite their parents money
Without being bitter or personal, she is not offensive, but she has no talent and is not even good looking, strange for someone twice voted model of the year!

The photo in the link contains the worst possible photo of her. I watched her in Valerian and also in Carnival Row and quite like her.

I did see her on a chat show several years ago and found her quite vacuous but there again I wouldn't be looking to have an intellectual discussion with her 😀
I think it was last year that she was performing in a play in London. She came off stage one night to the news that her home in LA had completely burnt to the ground in the wild fires that swept through that area.
To be fair I saw her in Cabernet last year and she can act and sing in what is a fairly difficult role so there must be something about her.

There are plenty of posho's who have not made it in this world despite their parents money
If you had a few glasses of Cabaret before the show, and at half time, she probably looked better than she actually was:drunk:
I was watching Good Morning a few years back with this posh girl being interviewed who was this amazingly successful model and actress and she was writing her book because it was her 'duty' and she went to this 'amaaaaazing school' and she was trying to be humble but as the song goes it's hard when you're perfect in every way. Then I saw her fronting some BBC series about sex where she travels the world and interviews people with outrageous clothes and ridiculous multi coloured hair styles. Then I saw her in some big budget sci fi spoof where her acting was beyond atrocious. If nearly anyone had had the breaks, guidance and opportunity she's had they'd have a stack of nobel prizes, several oscars and a couple of world cups. Without being bitter or personal, she is not offensive, but she has no talent and is not even good looking, strange for someone twice voted model of the year!

Why I opine thus is that she has this multi-faceted amazing career path due to one thing only - she is posh. I know there's natural nepotism, but there's also this idea of breeding where the shiny beautiful people are spawned. It's the idea' well she would be wonderful wouldn't she coming from that family'. But she isn't wonderful - she's generally rather crap, but when you look at the wiki link below and see the reference to her bloodline it makes you wonder 1) about how difficult it can be to find opportunity and 2) why would wikipedia devote so much verbiage to her breeding? Answer - it's all she's got going for her. It amazes me how poshness still impresses people, and how the posh maintain their status. Not all of you will know her. Here's the link:

So, cutting to the chase, she turned you down?

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