Yes, they used to. I made a point of buying a programme at the end of the season, so it gave all the details for that season. I lost all my programmes and other saved memorabilia in a house fire several years' ago, but there are bound to be people on here that should be able to help you. Are you looking for any years in particular?Was wondering if the club, or anyone holds any records showing Palace's away support match by match?
Seem to recall an article in Eagle Eye (I think) detailing the 93/94 season, but as a non programme buyer, was curious if they stuck the figures in there?
I'm looking for any season whatsoever. I did have quite a few seasons written down but seemingly lost them at some point. I'm more organised now.Yes, they used to. I made a point of buying a programme at the end of the season, so it gave all the details for that season. I lost all my programmes and other saved memorabilia in a house fire several years' ago, but there are bound to be people on here that should be able to help you. Are you looking for any years in particular?